Project Management Institute Colombo Sri Lanka Chapter (PMICSC) and the Department of Project Management of the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vavuniya signed a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate academic collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building in order to develop competent project management professionals to serve the region and the nation. The MOU was signed on the 2nd March 2022 at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya.

Dr. T. Mangaleswaran, Vice-Chancellor University of Vavuniya, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean Faculty of Business Studies, Mr. S. Thirugnanasampanthar, Head Department of Project Management, have represented the University of Vavuniya. Mr. Dushyantha Dassanayake – President PMICSC, Mr. Shanthilal Fernando – Vice President-Finance, Mr. Aruna Kooragamage – Past President and Advisor and Mr. Ganesh Wijenayake – Past President and Advisor represented on behalf of PMICSC.

This academic and professional collaboration between the University of Vavuniya and the PMICSC will include promotes jointly organize field/exposure visits, capstone projects, educational programs, seminars, workshops, collaborative research on Project Management fields relevant to regional and national development, participation in workshops and conferences, access to library and E-Resource facilities, granting of exemptions and concessionary rates to undergraduates and graduates of the University and more. It will also include awarding a Gold Medal for the best-performed PM honors degree Student.