The Faculty of Business Studies has obtained the Overall Grade “A”, Very Good Performance in its Program Review that was carried out in 2018.

The Program Review (PR) of the Faculty of Business Studies was held from 26th to 29th, November 2018and the Faculty obtained the Overall Grade “A” (86 Marks). The PR evaluation has been based on the following eight criteria, namely: Programme Management, Human and Physical Resources, Programme Design & Development, Course/Module Design & Development, Teaching and Learning, Learning Environment, Student Support and Progression, Student Assessment and Awards and Innovative and Healthy Practices. The evaluation was carried out by the panel of experts appointed by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) from UGC. The following experts, were participated in the review panel, namely: Prof.K.K.D.S. Ranaweera, Prof.V.A. Samarasinghe and Dr.M.I. Mujahid Hilal.

Assessment of Individual Criterion and Performance Level Achieved is tabulated in the following table.