What Is PRANA Financial Aid?

AAFBS financial aid is aimed to support students to achieve their educational goals. It helps students by covering education expenses such as food, accommodation, books and supplies, and transportation. This financial aid is 100% need-based aid, not on merit. This means that financial aid supports the students who will benefit the most from it. In addition, we only partially cover the financial need of our students. The AAFBS administers the PRANA Financial Aid.

Who Will Get the Financial Aid?

Registered undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business Studies are eligible to apply for this financial aid. A student’s need-based eligibility is calculated to award the financial aid. The AAFBS will select students based on their needs; the family’s demonstrated financial need, which is calculated taking into account many factors, such as the student’s family income, assets, household size, and other benefits / support received by the student from the university or other donors. Each year, three to five students will receive the financial aid.

How Do I Apply for Financial Aid?

Applications will be called on the faculty website in the first week of January by the AAFBS. Students’ first step in completing the PRANA Financial Aid application form online and submitting it with the requested supportive documents. The submission deadline is 28th of February.

Who Will Assess the Applications?

Applications will be evaluated by the designated AAFBS committee with the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies and the Assistant Registrar of the University’s Student Welfare Division. All information provided by applicants will be kept in the utmost confidentiality. The application process will take one month from 1st to 31st of March. The awarded students will be informed on 1st of April 2021.

When and How Much Will You get The Financial Aid?

Awarded students will receive financial aid every month for a period of one year from April of the awarded year to March of the following year. Students will receive financial aid of 3,000 to 5,000 rupees / -. Per month.

Who can contribute to the Financial Aid?

Any well-wisher who is interested in donating money to PRANA Financial Aid can deposit the money into the following AAFBS account in writing mentioning that the money is donated to PRANA Financial Aid.

Account Details:

Account Name: Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya

Bank Name  : Bank of Ceylon, Vavuniya Branch

Account Type : Savings Account

Account Number: 87571621