
Harassment of an individual or group of individuals or inciting violence inside or outside the university is a punishable offence under the civil law and the civil law regarding harassment and violence is equally applicable both inside and outside the university. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities against members of the university’s faculty, administrative staff, student body or guests by direct or indirect methods.

  1. Threatening and /or using physical force on an individual or a group of persons

  2. Engaging in violence or commotion resulting in bodily injuries and/or psychological trauma of individuals or group of individuals and/or damages to properties and

  3. Causing intimidation, bullying or cruelty on individuals or a group of individuals

  4. Pestering or causing annoyance on others

  5. Causing harassment through telephone, mail or computer emails or other means of communication

Any complaints on the above and any other form of harassment or violence will be referred to the police for appropriate legal action and may be referred to a disciplinary committee of inquiry appointed by the Vice Chancellor for necessary disciplinary action.


Universities are havens for the independent pursuit of academic excellence. Ragging or hazing has reduced and diminished the freedom or independence of students and it hinders the achievement of academic excellence. Ragging is now a criminal offence under the Anti Ragging Law passed by the Parliament in 1998. Unfortunately, ragging/hazing occurs in many national universities due to the organized oppression by individuals who suffer from abnormal mentalities and inferiority complexes and also by the blind followers of destructive political movements. Indeed the ‘raggers’ may be the cat’s paws in the armory of political strategies used by some political activists. Hazing or ragging is interpreted as any act (by an individual or group) whether physical, mental, emotional or psychological, which subjects another person, voluntarily or involuntarily, to anything that may abuse, mistreat, degrade, humiliate, harass or intimidate whether on or off the campus. These actions are prohibited and include, but are not limited to, the following.

i. Forcing individuals to perform and/or engage in demeaning or humiliating acts

ii. Bullying or coercing, or intimidating individuals or group of individuals.

iii. Creation of excessive physical or mental fatigue

iv. Causing physical or psychological shocks

v. Forcing to wear clothing which is conspicuous or bad in taste

vi. Forcing an individual or individuals to engage in morally degrading or humiliating acts, games or activities

vii. Forcing individuals or group of individuals to engage in early morning or late evening work sessions which are not in conformity with norms of civil society and/or that may interfere with academic performance

viii. Body marking/painting or any activity that is not consistent with the policy of the university which would adversely affect the University’s mission and damage its image.

All reported events of the above nature will be handed over to the police for necessary action under the Anti Ragging Law passed by the Parliament in 1998, while the university will also take appropriate disciplinary action. In this connection the University Grants Commission has already issued several guidelines and circulars to facilitate the enforcement of law and order by the universities and urge universities to adapt strict measures to prevent the occurrence of any hazing or ragging.

Commission Circular No. 919

Commission circular 946


Offences & Recommended Maximum Punishments

i. Refuses or neglects to produce the Student Identity Card when called upon to do so by the VC, DVC/Rector any other officer, any member of the Academic Staff or Administrative Staff or Security Staff or any other authorized by the VC/Rector. Explanation Any student who refuses to produce the student identity card on request shall be deemed to be a trespasser and may also be dealt with in accordance with the normal Laws of the land.

Considering the gravity of the offence, suspension from the University/Campus for a period not exceeding one calendar year depending on the gravity of the offence and withholding of examination results or certificate as appropriate. or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student.

ii. Violates the By-Laws on University/Campus Residence Facility (RF).

Recovery of cost incurred by the University/Campus as a result of violating, any by-laws , and considering the gravity of the offence, suspension from the University/Campus for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate and /or denial of RF in the future or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student. The above punishments may be in addition to any other punishments that may be imposed for violation of any other By-Laws of the University.

iii. Destroys, damages, defaces, alienates, misuses or unlawfully appropriates to himself any property of the University/Campus or any property in the custody of the University/Campus or held temporarily by the University/Campus.

A fine equivalent to 3 times of the replacement value or cost of misuse plus 25% of such value or cost, and Considering the gravity of the offence, expulsion from the University/Campus or suspension from the University/Campus for a period of two calendar years and withholding of examination as appropriate.

iv. Contravenes any By-Law, Regulation or Rule

Considering the gravity of the offence, a. suspension from the University/Campus for a period not exceeding one calendar year depending on the gravity of the offence and withholding of examinations as appropriate or

b. severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student.

v. Refuses to carry out any lawful order issued by the VC, DVC/Rector, any other officer, a member of the Academic or Administrative or Security Staff or any other employee or any other person authorizes by the VC/Rector.

Considering the gravity of the offence, suspension from the University/Campus up to a period not exceeding one calendar year depending on the gravity of the offence and withholding of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student.

vi. Furnishes the University/Campus with false information in relation to any matter in respect of which the University/Campus is entitles to true particulars which in the opinion of the VC/Rector, is calculated to mislead the authorities of the University/Campus.

Expulsion from the University/Campus for falsification of documents or suspension from the University/Campus for a period of one calendar year and withholding of examination results or certificate as appropriate, In other instances. or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student.

vii. Smelling of liquor or under the influence of or in possession of an intoxicant, liquor, narcotic or other addictive drug, consuming or supplying liquor, narcotic, addictive drug or gambling within the precincts of the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, suspension from the University/Campus for a period not exceeding two calendar years and/or withholding of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student.

viii. possessing or storing or carrying or using arms, weapons and/or any other substance with the intention of causing harm to persons or property within the precincts of the University/Campus.

Expulsion from the University/Campus for being in possession or storing or using arms and weapons within the precincts of the University/Campus or Suspension for three calendar years and/ or withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate for being in possession or storing or carrying any other substance with the intention of causing harm to persons or property.

ix. Engages in such activities as are likely to disrupt the conduct of registration, teaching study, research or examinations in the University/Campus or in the administration of the University/Campus or obstructs an event organized by the University/Campus within or Suspension up to one calendar year and /or withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate and recovery of monetary damages as a result of obstruction or disruption.

outside its premises or obstructs or disrupts any other authorized event held within the University/Campus premises.

x. Obstructs or harasses any officer member of the academic or administrative staff, any other employee of the University/Campus or any other authorized person in the performance of his duties.

Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate.

xi. Prevents or obstructs any student in carrying out his studies or research or disrupts any legitimate activities of a recognized student society/association/union.

Suspension for one calendar year and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate.

xii. Occupies or uses any property of the University/Campus otherwise that in accordance with rules or other provisions made by the University/Campus from time to time, or without the authority of the VC/Rector or the relevant member of staff.

Suspension for one calendar year and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate.

xiii. Conducts himself in a manner which, in the opinion of the VC/Rector, is detrimental to the good name of the University/Campus or to the maintenance or order and discipline within the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, suspension from the University/Campus for a period not exceeding two calendar years depending on the gravity of the offence and withholding of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in the personal file of the student

xiv. a. Abuse/harassment (including any form of ragging/molestation) sexual harassment and/or intimidation whether physical or mental of any student of the University, VC, DVC/Rector, any other officer member of the academic or administrative staff, any other employee or any other person authorized to be within or outside the premises of the University/Campus or at an event organized by the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, Expulsion from the University/Rector or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

b. Display of posters in the University/ Campus premises by any student or students, which are intimidating or defamatory of the University, VC, DVC/Rector, other officer, member of the Academic or Administrative staff or any other employee of the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or d. severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

xv. Causing of physical injury or physical harm or threatens to cause same to any student of the University/Campus, VC/Rector, any other officer, member of the academic or administrative staff, any other employee of the University/Campus or any other person authorized to be in the premises of the University/Campus or at an event organized by the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

xvi. Kidnapping, Hostage taking attempt to kidnap, or threatening to take hostage or kidnap VC, DVC/Rector, other Officer, member of the academic or administrative staff, any student of the University/Campus, an employee, or any other person authorized to be in the premises of the University/Campus or at an event organized with the authority of the University/Campus within or outside its premises.

Considering the gravity of the offence, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

xvii. Inciting of students to disrupt legitimate activities of the University/Campus.

Considering the gravity of the offence, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

xviii. Any student who has stolen or attempted the theft of property within the University/Campus premises or has retained stolen property belonging to the University/Campus or has caused willful damage to University/Campus property or to property of an officer, member, of the academic or administrative staff, an employee or a student of the University/Campus of any other person authorized to be in the premises of the University/Campus or at an event organized with the authority of the University/Campus within or outside its premises.

(1). Theft.

Considering the gravity of the offence, a fine equivalent to the replacement value plus 25% of such value and, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

(2). Willful damage

Considering the gravity of the offence, a fine equivalent to the replacement value plus 25% of such value and, Expulsion from the University/Campus or Suspension for two calendar years and withholding of examination results or certificates as appropriate. or suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.

(3). Attempted theft

Fine to be recommended by the committee to impose punishments and suspension for a period not exceeding one calendar year and withholdings of examination results or certificate as appropriate or severe warning by the VC/Rector with a record of same in student’s personal file.