MOU signing between OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd and Department of Marketing Management

The OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd and Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Business Studies signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the University of Vavuniya on 14th June 2024.

The MoU entails various mutual benefits to the University of Vavuniya and OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd. Accordingly, OntoMatrix will offer paid six months internship opportunities for the students including digital marketing training in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, creative design, Content Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, and other digital marketing related jobs. In addition, OntoMatrix will allow its staff to conduct guest lectures/visiting lectures for the programs offered by the Department of Marketing Management.

Prof. T. Mangaleshwaran, Vice Chancellor, University of Vavuniya, Prof.Y. Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, Mr. J. Leon, Head Department of Marketing Management, lecturers of the department, and head of other departments have represented the University of Vavuniya.

Mr. A. Arjan, HR Manager of OntoMatrix, Mr. Sanjeew, CMO of OntoMatrix participated to the event on behalf of the OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd.