Department of Business Economics

Business Economics was introduced as an area of specialization in the BBM degree at the Faculty of Business Studies in 2006, and the Department of Business Economics was established in 2021. In today’s highly competitive and dynamic business environment, undergraduate students following an Honors degree in Business Economics have myriad possibilities to acquire the best positions nationally and internationally. As in the world-leading universities, the curriculum of our degree program combines the knowledge and skills of economics, mathematics, statistics, decision science, and computer application. As a result, our graduates have occupied various universities, colleges, research institutes, financial institutions, and private and public institutions.

The academic staff in the department are specialized in different fields such as environmental and resource economics, financial economics, econometrics and statistics, development and agricultural economics, behavioral economics, and social choice and game theory. In the near future, many of them will hold a Ph.D. degree. Further, the department seeks to sign MOU with reputed institutions and collaborate with national and foreign Universities. In addition, there is also a potential opportunity for commencing certificate and postgraduate courses at the department

Ms. Paulina Mary Godwin Phillip

Head / Department of Business Economics

T.P No: 024-2228234