Release of 9th Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies
The bi-annual newsletter 2024, Volume 05, Issue 01 launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 04th September 2024, with the presence of Newsletter committee members and faculty board members. The copies of the newsletter were received by the Dean, Professors, Heads of the departments, and the members of the faculty board from the Chairperson Mrs. K.P.W.D.R. Weerasinghe. |
Alumni Association Seminar on Education Guidance
Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Studies arranged seminar on 15th July 2024 for both undergraduates and graduates. It guided students to explore the opportunities to study abroad. |
Alumni Association Seminar on Career Guidance
Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Studies arranged this seminar on 25th July 2024 by Alumni members. It focused on helping participants to navigate their career paths by enhancing awareness of opportunities, developing key skills like resume writing and interview preparation, and building confidence through real-world scenarios. |
Establishment of Centre for Business Research
The Faculty of Business Studies formed a vessel of research called ‘Centre for Business Research’ on the recommendation of the Senate and the approval of the Council at its 32nd meeting held on 27th of July 2024. The aim of this initiative is to gain, disseminate, and share the research exposure among the faculty academic staff in order to improve their research capacity through availability of internal and external experts and events in research, especially in business minded research. Mr. G.R.M Gamlath has been appointed as the first coordinator of the Centre for Business Research |
Inauguration Ceremony for the New Academic Year 2022/2023Orientation program for the Academic Year 2022/2023
The inauguration ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic year was organized on 29th July 2024. The Dean, Prof.Y.Nanthagopan addressed the students and warmly welcomed them to be a part of this historic institution. The inaugural speech was delivered by the vice chancellor, Prof. A. Atputharajah. All the heads of the departments of the Faculty of Business Studies and staff members also welcomed the newcomers and gave them words of wisdom and blessings. |
Inauguration Ceremony for the New Academic Year 2022/2023
The orientation program for the academic year 2022/2023 was conducted from 31st July to 28th August 2024 to acquaint the new students with the university education system, academic rules and facilities in the university. During the orientation prgoram days, the students were engaged under various sessions such as “LMS, ZOOM & Cyber Security”, “Students’ Code of conduct”, “946 Circular and Students’ Life at University”, “Introducing Student & Welfare Division”, “Introducing the role of senior students’ counselor”, “Introducing the Mentoring System of the Faculty of Business Studies” and the “Role of the Library in University Education.. |
The Student Union, Faculty of Business Studies organized “FOBS-2024”, from the 31st August 2024 until the 11th September 2024. The objectives of this event are to promote togetherness, sportsmanship, and healthy competition among students in the faculty. Ultimately, fourth-year students secured the championship with a total of 257 points, while third-year students attained first runner-up with 250 points, and second-year students gained second runner-up with 181 points. |
Visit of Ruhuna University Students
Forty students and staff from University of Ruhuna visited Faculty of Business Studies on 10th December 2024. The aim of this visit is to make the collaboration among the students and share a variety of resources and experiences, fostering collaboration and community. The event was highlighted the topics on Ramayana concept, tourism and destination culture. |
Cultural Night and Annual Awarding Ceremony
Cultural Night and awarding ceremony was held on 31st September 2024, at the faculty premises. The student clubs were awarded to the top three students clubs based on the performance reviewed by the independent evaluation panel. The first place was won by the accounting club, second and third place were won by the PM club and HR club. The students research excellence awards were provided to the students those who got overall best results for their final year dissertation works in 2017/2018 batch: H. Pakkiyarasah, Department of HRM; M. Subapriya, Department of Business Economics; W.B.P.Dilrukshi, Department of Accounting and Finance; J.L.Jensika, Department of Marketing Management; M.A.D. Umanga, Department of Project Management. The night also featured amazing performances, showcasing the diverse talents of students. |
Internship Placement Interviews
Internship Placement Interviews were conducted with thirty organizations on 01st October 2024 by the Faculty of Business Studies. The organizations interviewed final year students for six months internship and job placement. |
Career Guidance Seminars
The Faculty of Business Studies invited six professional bodies, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA), Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL), and Project Management Institute for a Career Guidance Seminars on 01st October 2024. The seminar targeted both undergraduates and school students, providing career advice and information on professional courses. |
Industry Exhibition
An industry exhibition was inaugurated at the Faculty of Business Studies premises as a part of the RCBS conference on 30th September and 01st October 2024. The exhibition featured 50 local entrepreneurs showcasing their products and services, highlighting innovation and entrepreneurial growth in the region. The event provided a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and fostering business opportunities between the university community and local entrepreneurs. |
Workshop on Personal Finance Management for MAG Staff
Industry Community Interaction Cell (ICIC), Faculty of Business Studies and Mines Advisory Group (MAG) conducted a training for the MAG Staff. The workshop was included the sessions on income, money management, spending and credit, saving and investing. It was organized for two days for batch-I including 12 hours of lectures. The workshop conducted under the guidance of Dr. K.Kalainathan, Mrs. J.S. Thevaruban. Mr. L. Larojan, Mr. N.Pratheepan and Mrs. J. Manthahine on 30th June and 01st July 2024. |
The Department of Project Management organized a field study visit for fourth-year students to project-based organizations in Colombo on 25th- 26th September 2024. The visit included Port City Colombo, the Central Environmental Authority, Lotus Tower, and Unidil Packaging. It supported students to identify real-world project management practices in construction, environmental management, and manufacturing. |
Students’ Field Visit Department of Project Management Third-year, Project Management students visited Mynah Farm Guest House and Training Centre, Jagathees Dairy Factory, and various business locations in Batticaloa on 12th & 13th July 2024. The objectives of this field visit were to explore how success can be achieved through small-scale entrepreneurship, examine the role of women’s empowerment, and enable students to observe and study diverse industries operating in different geographical contexts. |
ICT Training for MAG Staff
Industry Community Interaction Cell (ICIC), Faculty of Business Studies and Mines Advisory Group (MAG) conducted a traning on “Information and Communication Technology” to the MAG Staff. The workshop was organized for three days including 18 hours of lectures. The workshop for batch-I was conducted as a training workshop under the guidance of Dr. A. Rukshan, Mr. S. Sivanenthira and Mr. S. Theivamainthan on 29th June, 30th June and 01st July 2024. |
Students’ Field Visit Department of Human Resource Management The Department of HRM organized a field visit to Omega Line Vavuniya Apparels, a leading garment manufacturing company on 7th September 2024. It provided practical insights to the students on human resource management practices in a large-scale operation. 70 students from final year and third year participated for this visit. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world HR applications by offering students exposure to key HR processes, employee engagement practices, health and safety measures and operational strategies in the apparel sector. |
Students’ Field Visit Department of Management and Entrepreneurship The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship organized a field visit on 06th and 07th September 2024. In the first day, the students visited the Katunayaka Export Processing Zone (KEPZ). The second day of the visit involved three groups visiting various businesses in the Puttalam district such as Wariz brand (dry fish business), Blue Ripples (floating restaurant), Sathya Enterprises (salt company), Kandiah Beach Family Restaurant, Tech 2 Computer, We 5 Advertising Service, Zam Zam Mixer Company, and V Style Garment and Lakvijaya Power Plant, and they discussed eco-friendly designs used at Dolphin Beach Makara Resorts in Kalpitiya. This field visit provided numerous benefits, including identifying the entrepreneurial environment, raising awareness of real-world business situations, visiting and interviewing various business locations, and recognizing business opportunities in the Puttalam district, along with local specialties. |
MOUs (Industry Partnership) with the Puttalam ICT Association and Safe foundation The Faculty of Business Studies signed two MOUs (Industry Partnership) with the Puttalam ICT Association and SAFE Foundation on 02nd August 2024. The partnership aims to enhance the Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Project Management program and promote project management applications for sustainable development in Sri Lanka. This organizational collaboration is expected to lead to the implementation of internship and placement for undergraduate students. |
Undergraduate Research Symposium on Project Management The Department of Project Management organized the first Undergraduate Research Symposium on Project Management (URSPM) on 02nd August 2024, supported by the USAID and SAFE Foundation with the participation of the PMI Sri Lankan Chapter and other partners. The event featured keynote speeches, technical sessions (70 papers), and panel discussions, fostering academic excellence and student engagement in project management researches. |
Certificate Awarding of the English Short Course Program The first awarding ceremony for Certificate in Professional English was conducted on 10th August 2024.The Industry and Community Cell of the Faculty and Department of English language commenced three months course on 10th February 2024. |
Workshop on Academic Writing The Department of Project Management organized a workshop on Academic Writing, conducted by Prof. G. Jeyaseelan on 28th August 2024. The session aimed to enhance students’ academic writing skills, covering essential techniques for structuring research papers, proper citation methods, and improving clarity in writing. The interactive workshop provided practical guidance and strategies for effectively presenting ideas in an academic context. The session was well-attended by students and faculty members, and it emphasized the importance of strong writing skills for academic success and research. |
Students’ Field Visit Department of Marketing Management The Department of Marketing Management organized a field visit on 12th September 2024 for the course unit ‘Customer Relations in Marketing’. The field visit included 26 final year students and two lecturers to Layard’s Wharf at Havelock City Mall, owned by Food Studio Pvt Ltd, one of Sri Lanka’s renowned food chains. |
Undergraduate Research Symposium on Accounting and Finance The symposium was held on 13th September 2024 as part of International Accounting Day celebrations. The event provided a platform for students to present their research findings, enhance their understanding of key concepts, and engage in academic discourse |
Undergraduate Research Symposium on Accounting and Finance The Faculty of Business Studies arranged 5th RCBS on 30th September 2024, under the theme of “Unlocking Business Frontiers: Exploring Innovations and Knowledge Diffusion”, attracted participants from various business sectors, academic institutions, and industries. Professional Bodies, who were key partners and supporters of this event, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA), Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL), Project Management Institute, Sri Lankan Chapter and Responsible Project Management. |
Workshop on Reviewing Literature: Based on the Research Problem and Objectives
The Department of Project Management organized a workshop on Reviewing Literature: Based on the Research Problem and Objectives, led by Dr. N. Ravintirakumaran on 29th August 2024. The workshop focused on guiding students through the process of conducting literature reviews, emphasizing how to align them with research problems and objectives. It provided participants with strategies for identifying relevant sources, analyzing existing research, and synthesizing information to strengthen their own work. |
Workshop on Navigating Innovation: Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs
The workshop was organized on 2nd September 2024 with aim of guiding students to generate novel ides in the business world as an entrepreneur. The resource person of this workshop was Dr. S. Sitnhamparanthan, Founder and president at PervasID. |
A Workshop on Project Management Principles, Trends, and Opportunities
This workshop was held on 12th September 2024. The session featured renowned guest speaker Mr. Siva Sivalogan, President and Founder of exPERTcon. During the workshop, he discussed key project management principles, emerging trends, and potential opportunities in the field. His insights offered participants a clear understanding of contemporary practices, as well as practical applications relevant to both public and private sectors. |
Capacity Building Training for MAG Female Staff
This workshop was conducted for MAG’s female demining workforce. The workshop included 18 hours practical lectures and field activities. Day 01, Mr. S.A. Jude Leon, Head Department of Marketing Management and Mr.S.Sivanenthira, Coordinator, Industry Community Interaction Cell (ICIC) conducted the first session on 02nd May 2024 which mainly focused on motivation and selfconfidence. Day 02, Mr. S. Harikaran, Head, Department of HRM and Mrs. M.R.F. Aqeela, Lecturer, Department of HRM conducted second session on 29th of June 2024 which mainly focused on emotional intelligence. |
A Workshop on Curriculum Development for New Degree Programme – BBM Honours in Business Information Systems
The faculty has organized a Curriculum Development workshop on 28th June 2024. Dr. A. Rukshan, Chairperson of the Curriculum Development Committee, facilitated the workshop. The curriculum which integrates 60% of its total
Soft Skills Development Programme to MAG Staff
Another soft skills development training workshop was conducted on 27th and 28th June 2024, at Reecha |
MoU Signing between Ontomatrix Pvt Ltd and Department of Marketing ManagementThe OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd and Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Business Studies signed a Memorandum of Understanding, at the University of Vavuniya on 14th June 2024.The MoU entails various mutual benefits to the University of Vavuniya and OntoMatrix Pvt Ltd. Accordingly, OntoMatrix will offer paid six months internship opportunities for the students including digital marketing training in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Creative Design, Content Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, and other Digital Marketing related jobs. In addition, OntoMatrix will allow its staff to conduct guest lectures/visiting lectures for the programs offered
Inauguration Ceremony of Academic Programme for Newly Enrolled StudentsThe inauguration ceremony for newly enrolled students was organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, for the academic year 2022/2023. The inauguration ceremony was held on 10th June 2024 through the online platform because of the non-academic strike. The faculty welcomed students for the programme for Business Management, Banking and Insurance, Project Management degree programs. In the inauguration ceremony, the Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, Prof. Y. Nanthagopan addressed the students and warmly welcomed them. The welcome address was followed by inaugural address which was delivered by Prof. T. Mangaleswaran. All the lectures commenced on this day via a virtual platform until the executive and non-academic strikes are called off.
Meeting with the officers of the CA Sri Lanka
A meeting was held with senior officials of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka on 28th May 2024, at the dean office, Faculty of Business Studies. The meeting was specially organized to discuss signing the MoU between the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and CA Sri Lanka.
Participatory Needs Analysis (PNA)
The Department of Project Management, Faculty of Business Studies arranged the Participatory Needs Analysis (PNA) and collaborated with the Northern Development Council (NDC) through the Presidential Secretary, Sri Lanka on March 23rd 2024. This programme was aimed to identify and prioritize the needs of rural communities for sustainable livelihood development in selected three villages; Muthumariamman Nagar, Puthur, and Paresankulam Villages, Pulliyankulam Division, Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka.
Soft Skills Development Programme to MAG Staff
Soft skills development training workshop was conducted for intermediate managers, and operations staff on 25th & 26th March 2024, at Reecha Hotel, Pachchilaippalli, Iyakkachchi for batch II. Prof. Y. Nanthagopan, and Dr. R. Pushpakanthan were participated as resource person of this workshop. Mr.S.Sivanenthira, Coordinator, University of Vavuniya, and MAG, Mr. T.Santheooran, Mr. Vijay, Ms. Saranja contributed to enhance the residential workshop. |
Release of 8th Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies
The biannual newsletter 2023, Volume 04, Issue 02, was launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 06th March 2024, in the presence of Newsletter committee members and Faculty board members. The copies of the newsletter were received by the Dean, Professors, Heads of the department, and the members of the Faculty board from the Chief Editor Mrs. K.P.W.D.R. Weerasinghe.
Workshop Series 06 on Capstone Project
The Department of Project Management at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya organized
Short Course on Certificate in Professional English
The Industry and Community Cell (ICIC) of the Faculty of Business Studies and Department of English Language commenced the Certificate in Professional English course on 10th February 2024. This course is a three-month weekend programme.
Workshop on Structure, Criteria and Graduate Profile
The Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a session for undergraduate students on “Structure, Criteria and Graduate Profile of the honours degree program” on 31st January 2024. The dean and heads of departments served as resource persons.
The First Batch of BBM Honours in Entrepreneurship
The 1st batch of students are admitted to the BBM Honours in Entrepreneurship degree program from the
The First Batch of BBM Honours in Entrepreneurship
The first batch of students are admitted to the BBM Honours in Banking and Insurance degree programme
Internship Placement Interviews
The internship placement interviews were held at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, on 14th December 2023.The organisations interviewed the final-year students for internships, and they were selected for internships for the period of six months from the 01st January 2024. |
The Second Advisory Board Meeting of the MSMEs Facilitation Hub
The 2nd Advisory Board Meeting of the MSMEs facilitation Hub (Micro Small Medium Enterprises) of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on the 14th December 2023 at 3.00 pm. at the Balakrishnan Block, FBS. All the organisations that have signed memorandums of understanding with the faculty have been invited to this meeting. The objective of this meeting is to discuss the progress of the hub’s activities and mainly to discuss the baseline study of the MSMEs in the northern and eastern provinces. On top of that, the faculty extended MOUs for those organisations that expired. |
A Workshop on “Personal Branding & Interview Skills.”
Charted Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) conducted a session on “Personal Branding & Interview Skills” for the students in partnered with the Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya on 14th December 2023. The facilitator of the workshop was Mr. Priyantha Medawala, AmCipm, Management Consultant, Hayleys Plantations. |
Strategic Planning Workshop
Strategic Planning and Review Workshop of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on the 14th December 2023 (Thursday) from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at the Faculty of Business Studies. |
Releasing Vavuniya Journal of Business Management
Printed version of Vavuniya Journal of Business Management (VJBM) – Volume 5 Issue II was released at the 213th meeting of the faculty board held on 06th December 2023 at 02.00 pm in the Board Room of the Faculty of Business Studies and Via ZOOM. The journal includes seven research articles. The editor-in-chief, Dr. N. Ravinthirakumaran handed over the 1st copy to Prof. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies. |
Business Development Fellowship Programme
The Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, has signed an agreement with the Asian Foundation to develop the entrepreneurs’ capacities in the rural communities of Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mullaidivu Districts. For this program, the Asian Foundation selected entrepreneurs for the Business Fellowship Programme in the rural communities of Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mullaidivu Districts. In Mullaitivu district, two workshops were conducted for ten students on the 07th November 2023 and the 05th December 2023, and Mr. S. Sivanenthira served as a coordinator. In Kilinochchi district, another two days of workshops were conducted on the 08th November 2023 and the 06th December 2023 among 20 students, and Mrs. S. Mathivathani was the coordinator of his event. The coordinator, Dr. N. Raveenthirakumaran, conducted workshops on the 09th November 2023 and the 18th December 2023 in the Jaffna district with the participation of 20 students. |
Live Webinar on Sri Lanka Budget Analysis- 2024
The webinar was conducted by Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Business Studies on 28th November 2023 at 07 p.m. The facilitator of this program was Dr. N.Ravinthirakumaran, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Vavuniya. |
Workshop on BBM External Degree Program Curriculum Development
The workshop on BBM external degree program curriculum development was held on the 06th November 2023 from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., at the BH4 hall of the Balakrishna block. Prof. V. Sivalogathasan is the chairperson of this committee. The main objective of this workshop is to gather information and opinions from the stakeholders to develop the BBM degree program. |
Field Visit for Students
The Faculty of Business Studies arranged field visits for the Entrepreneurship and Portfolio management subjects. In another, two-day field visits were arranged on 26th and 26th September 2023 to Moragahakanda Multi-purpose Project, Laggala DS Office, Port City, and SLT Training Center. The main objective of this visit is to study different projects under ongoing course units such as Project Portfolio Management, Strategic Management, and Agile Project Management and also to provide students with real-world exposure to the concepts they learn in the classroom. |
Annual Awards for Students Club
The awarding ceremony was held on 07th September 2023 at the faculty premises. The aim of this award is to enhance students’ extracurricular activities at the Faculty of Business Studies. The student club awards were provided to the top three student clubs based on the performance reviewed by the independent evaluation panel appointed by the faculty board. The first place was won by the HR club, second and third place were won by PM club and Marketing club. The Accounting club and Economics club won fourth and fifth place. In addition to the awards, appreciation certificates were provided to the exco/active members of the student clubs. |
Certificate Awarding Ceremony of the Youth Leadership Programme
The certificate awarding ceremony of the Youth Leadership Programme was held on 08th September 2023. The program was inaugurated on 31st January 2023 at the University of Vavuniya. The main purpose of this program was to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the young generation. The Industry Community Interaction Cell (ICIC), Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya and UNDP started the program. It included nine batches of Youth Leadership Programme (30 members in each batch) from the community center youth members / CC action group members from Jaffna, Vavuniya, Mannar, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts – Northern Province and Batticaloa and Trincomalee – Eastern Province. The lectures were started on the 04th February 2023. The honourable P.S.M. Charles was invited as the Chief Guest to this awarding ceremony. Her Chief Guest address reinforced youths’ participation in the local election and skills development for social cohesion and economic sustainability. She elucidated the exemplary figure of Nelson Mandela, who was the voice of vulnerable people and dreamed of breaking slavery to boost the youth and make social change in the country. Prof. Y. Nanthagopan, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Vavuniya, delivered the special guest address in which he indicated prolonged activities and accomplishments of UNDP with the Faculty of Business Studies. Mr. Mohamed Muzain, Portfolio Coordinator, UNDP, was invited as the Guest of Honour. In his speech, he highlighted the milestone activities of UNDP. Around 307 students have been awarded for completing the Youth Leadership Conference at the awarding ceremony. |
Conference on Youth Leadership and Community Action
The conference on Youth Leadership and Community Action and the awarding ceremony of the Youth Leadership Programme organised by the Faculty of Business Studies were held on the 07th and 08th September 2023 at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya. The primary goals of the Youth Leadership Programme are ensuring youth understand the roles and responsibilities of community structures and the government’s role in empowering those structures, training youth to be leaders with effective communication skills, good time management, and sound governance principles, empowering youth to be trainers, change makers and mobilisers in their community, and improve and enhance the skills and knowledge of youth. The conference was inaugurated with the lighting of oil lamp, the National Anthem and Tamil Thai Vazhthu. Then, the chair of the conference, Prof.Y.Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies delivered the welcome address. In his address, he emphasized the importance of enhancing the leadership skills of youths in the contemporary era. Prof. T. Mangaleswaran, Vice-Chancellor, University of Vavuniya delivered the Chief Guest Address in which he indicated the challenges in expanding the United Nations Development Programme in various districts of the country. Followed by, the Special Guest, Mr. Jesuthasan Jude Walton, Project Manager, UNDP delivered the Special Guest Address in which he pointed out the contribution of youths at community level especially that the youths should build their capacity to resolve problems faced by their community. The Keynote speaker, Mr.S. Senthurajah, Executive Director, SOND delivered the keynote speech which focused on developing community leadership and promoting energetic youths. Eventually, the convener of the conference Mr. S. Sivanenthira, Coordinator, Industrial Community Interactive Cell, Faculty of Business Studies concluded the inauguration with the vote of thanks. Finally, the youths participating in the Youth Leadership Programme conducted a Business Startup Exhibition. There were thirty three group |
Celebration of 26th Anniversary of Faculty of Business Studies
The 26th anniversary of the faculty was celebrated with the Cultural and Faculty Awards Ceremony, which was held on the 07th September 2023, at the Faculty of Business Studies from 7.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. in which the youths and students of the Faculty of Business Studies executed traditional and unconventional music and dance performances and dramas. The students’ clubs of the Faculty of Business Studies were awarded based on their performance. Mr. A. Thayaparan, Senior Lecturer Gr. I attached to the Department of Business Economics received the Research Excellence Award. The Faculty Newsletter was also launched at this event. |
Release of 7th Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies
The bi-annual newsletter Volume 04, issue 01, was launched at the Faculty Awards Ceremony on the 07th September 2023 at the Faculty of Business Studies. Prof. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies and Mr. Jesuthasan Jude Walton, Project Manager, UNDP, received special copies of the Newsletter from Ms. P. Sarmatha, Chairperson, Newsletter Committee. |
Signed an Agreement between the University of Vavuniya and Mines Advisory Group
The University of Vavuniya signed an agreement with the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) on the 22nd August 2023. The event took place at the University of Vavuniya. On behalf of the MAG, the Country Director, Ms. Cristy McLennan, Skills Development Specialist, Mr. T. Senthooran, and other MAG officials participated, and on behalf of the University of Vavuniya, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. T. Managaleswaran, Dean/ Faculty of Business Studies, Prof. Y. Nanthagopan, and Coordinator/ ICIC, Mr. S. Sivanenthira participated in the signing agreement. Academic staff members and university administrators were present at this event as well. The primary objective of this collaboration is to enhance the execution of the staff transfer plan and provide assistance to the nearby community in the Northern Province. Moreover, it will focus on creating a space where the University supports MAG in implementing the staff transition activities to prepare MAG’s staff for new careers after the redundancy programme has taken place due to Sri Lanka becoming landmine-free. |
Inauguration and Orientation for the First Year Students
The Inauguration Ceremony and Orientation Program were organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vauniya for the academic year 2021/2022. The inauguration ceremony was held on 26th of June,2023 and the orientation program was conducted from 27th of June to 7th of July, 2023 to accustom the freshers with the University educational system, academic rules and the facilities. In the inauguration ceremony, the Dean of Faculty of Business Studies, Dr.Y.Nanthagopan addressed the students and warmly welcomed them to be a part of this historic institution. The welcome address was followed by inaugural address which was delivered by Prof. T. Mangaleswaran, the Vice Chancellor of University of Vavuniya. Then, the Heads of Departments and staff members of the University and the Faculty also welcomed the newcomers and gave their words of blessings to them. Prof.J.Robinson, Mr.P. Sasitharan, Mr.S. Suman, Dr.Y. Nanthagopan, Dr.K. Kalainathan, Mr.M Deshapriya, Dr.S. Suthakaran, Dr.P. Sathiyalingam, Dr.M. Kayanan, Mr.S. Shanmugathasan, Prof.N. Ananthini, Dr.G. Jeyaseelan, Mr.A Swamipillai, Mr.K. Gnanabaskaran, Dr.K. Arjunan, Mr.R. Sivasegaran, Mr. Jeyakumar, Mr.S. Nithiyanantham, Mr.S. Theivamainthan, Ms.Paulina Mary Godwin Phillip and Prof.N Nagendrakumar served as the resource persons in the orientation programme. |
Inauguration of the Higher Diploma in English Programme The inauguration of the Higher Diploma in English, an extension programme was held on 27th May, 2023 in Park Road, Vavuniya. Prof. T. Mangaleswaran, the Vice-Chancellor, University of Vavuniya, Dr.Y. Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, Dr.G. Jeyaseelan, Head, Department of English Language Teaching, Mr.S.A. Jude Leon, the Director, CDCE, staff members of the Department of English Language Teaching, Assistant Registrar and students participated in the programme. Ms.P.Sarmatha, Academic Coordinator/ HDE chaired the programme. |
Workshop on “Creativity and Leadership” by Career Guidance Cell The Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a workshop on “Creativity and Leadership” for the third-year students of all three faculties of the University of Vavuniya. Prof. (Dr). Panchanatham Natarajan, Former Vice Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Tamil Nadu, India served as the resource person for this workshop. It was held on 4th of May, 2023 at Faculty of Business Studies. 170 students participated in this workshop. |
MOU Agreement with Mines Advisory Group (MAG) An Agreement was signed with MAG to conduct English Training Programme for MAG staff on the 22nd of March 2023. The officials from both parties participated in the event. On behalf of MAG, Ms. Cristy McLennan who is the Country Director, MAG International, Sri Lanka and on behalf of the University of Vavuniya, the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. T. Mangaleswaran signed the agreement. |
Release of the 6th Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies The bi-annual newsletter 2022 volume:03 issue:02 was launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 3rd of March 2023, at 2.00 pm with the presence of Newsletter committee members and Faculty Board Members. The copies of the newsletter were received by the Dean, Professors, Heads and the members of Faculty of Board from the Chairperson Ms. P.Sarmatha. |
MOU Agreement with People’s Bank for Internship An agreement of MOU was signed between the University of Vavuniya and People’s Bank for providing Internship to the undergraduates of the Faculty of Business Studies. ![]() |
First Advisory Committee Meeting of Micro Small Medium Enterprises The Stakeholders Inaugural Meeting of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on 22nd of February 2023. Dr.Y.Nanthagopan, Dean / Faculty of Business Studies briefed the MSMEs hub operations. The future activities of the Hub were discussed in detail. It was decided to collect the data after making revisions to the questionnaire. |
Webinar on Smart Panel Operation The Faculty organized a training session on Smart Panel operation and its new affordable technologies in join with John Keells Holdings for all the academic staff on 15th February 2023 at the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty. The executives form the John Keells Holdings served as the resource persons. |
Selection of New EX-CO Members of the Faculty Alumni Association The Annual General Meeting of the Faculty Alumni Association was held on 12th February 2023. The Alumni Association for the year of 2021-2022 was dissolved and the election of selecting new members for the Alumni Association of 2023-2024 was taken place. The following members were unanimously elected for the Ex-Co.
Inauguration Ceremony of Youth Leadership Programme
The Inauguration Ceremony of the Youth Leadership Programme was held on 31st of January, 2023, University of Vavuniya. The Deans, Heads of the Departments, Senior Academics and Academics, Librarian (Acting), Bursar, Registrar, Deputy Registrars, Assistant Registrar, UN officers, Representatives from the partner organizations and the youths participated in this programme. The event was traditionally started with the lighting of oil lamp by the dignitaries of the event. Then the welcome address was given by Dr. Y. Nanthagopan / Dean, Faculty of Business Studies. His address mainly focused on the importance of the youth leadership programme and sustainability of this programme. Next, the special address was given by Prof. T. Mangaleswaran / Vice Chancellor, University of Vavuniya. He discussed about why we need this kind of training programmes for youths and he stated the main purpose of this training programme is to improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of the youth. After that, Mr. T. Thireshkumar / Additional District Secretary, Vavuniya, stated in his address that this kind of training programmes should direct our youths into the development track. Further, Mr. M. Sivapathasutharam / Divisional Secretary, Jaffna, mainly pointed out, the youths should play the role as a leader in their community to disseminate the knowledge and experience gained from this programme to their colleagues and society. Moreover, Ms. Malin Herwig / Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP, delivered her speech regarding the importance of this training programme with her experience and why we need to initiate this type of training programme for the youths of Sri Lanka. Finally, the vote of thanks done by Mr. S. Sivanenthira /Coordinator, Industry Community Interactive Cell, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya. |
MOU signing event between Dept of Finance and ccountancy, FBS, and the ACCA
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) Sri Lanka and the Department of Finance and Accountancy of the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vavuniya signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the premises of ACCA, Colombo on 13th January 2023. The MoU entails various mutual benefits to the University of Vavuniya and the ACCA. Accordingly, the ACCA provides access to university staff and students to professional development and learning resources; the ACCA grants exemptions for identified courses for the Bachelor of Business Management graduates as a pathway to obtain the ACCA qualification and facilitates academic collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building in order to develop competent accounting professionals to serve the region and the nation. The ACCA and the University of Vavuniya to collaboratively organize competencies and skills development initiatives for the undergraduates and enhancing the employability of undergraduates. Prof. T.Mangaleswaran, Vice-Chancellor University of Vavuniya, Dr. Y.Nanthagopan, Dean Faculty of Business Studies, Dr. K.Kalainathan, Head, Department of Finance and Accountancy Ms. J.Manthahine, Lecturer (Prob) in accounting have represented the University of Vavuniya. Ms. Nilusha Ranasinghe, Head of South Asia Cluster of ACCA (Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bangladesh), and Ms Dilani Perera, Business Relationship Manager of ACCA Sri Lanka participated in the event on behalf of the ACCA. |
Inaugural Event of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Facilitation Hub Inaugural Event for Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on 20th of December 2020, at SH4, FBS. The importance of this event was to form the advisory and management committees of the MSMEs hub and arrange the meetings between intern students and internship-providing organizations to provide the placements to the students for the period of six months. The Dean briefed the objectives and functions of the MSMEs Facilitation Hub. Further, he explained how it contributes to the MSM enterprises in the region. After that, the officials of the organizations made their suggestions and agreed to support the MSMEs activities. Mr S.Thirugnanasampanthar explained the Internship and Capstone Project Protocols. Soon after the meeting finished, the Internship Placement Interviews were held. The organizational staff interviewed the final-year students for internships, and they were recruited for internships for the period of six months from the 2nd of January 2023. There were 30 officials from the partner organizations participated in this meeting. |
Youth Leadership Program Agreement between Faculty of Business Studies and UNDP
The Industry and Community Interaction Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and the United Nations Development program (UNDP) signed an agreement to conduct a Youth Leadership program (YLD) in Northern and Eastern provinces on 19th December 2022. The aim of this event is to capacitate the future generation to become socially conscious and democratically engage themselves m the community and regional development. |
The Department of Project Management Faculty of Business Studies Signed MOUs on 10th of November 2022, at FBS with The following Community Organizations.
Strategic planning workshop (5-Year Plan: 2023 – 2027) Strategic Planning and Review Workshop of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on 09th of November 2022,(Wednesday) from 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at BH4 of the FBS. Dr.YNanthagopan was the Chairperson and Mr S.Thirugnanasampanthar was the Co-Ordinator. The Committee for Strategic Planning and Monitoring identified core areas for Development by Reviewing Strategic Alignment, Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Key Performance Indicators, and Action Plans. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Release of Vavuniya journal of Business Management Volume 05-Issue 1(2022)
Vavuniya Journal of Business Management (VJBM) Volume 05-Issue-I (2022), a bi-annual academic journal was published by the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka. The journal seeks to publish papers in business Management-related disciplines including Accounting, Business Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Marketing Management, Project Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, International Business, information Systems, Cross-Cultural Communication and English Language Teaching in Business Studies. |
Release of the 5th Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies
The bi-annual newsletter 2022 volume:03 issue:02 was launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 5th of October 2022, at 2.00 pm with the presence of Newsletter committee members and Faculty Board Members. The copies of the newsletter were received by the Vice Chancellor, Dean, Professors, Heads and the members of Faculty of Board from the Chairperson Ms. P.Sarmatha.
A Workshop on “Business Development Plan” by Career Guidance Cell
The Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a workshop on “Business Development Plan” for the final year students of the Faculty of Business Studies. Prof. S.Sivesan, Professor in Marketing, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, served as the resource person in this workshop. The workshop was held on 28th of September, 2022. (Wednesday) from l.00pm to 4.00pm at the Smart Lecture Hall, Soosairatnam Block, Faculty of Business Studies. |
Need assessment Field visit of Youth Leadership program (YLD) Two field visits were organized on 20th of September, 2022 at the OFERR Ceylon Office, Vavuniya and on 14th of September, 2022 at the GS Office (Mu/61) Oddusuddan. The purpose of these field visits is to study the need for the YLD program and learn about the interests and opinions of youth who have already followed the YLD program and youth who are interested in following the YLD program. ![]() ![]() |
Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS 2022)
The Faculty of Business Studies conducted its 4th Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS) on 5th of July, 2022 through hybrid mode both physically and virtually. Dr Y. Nanthogopan was the chair of the event and Mr. S.A. Jude Leon was the convener of the conference.
The RCBS – 2022 conference proceedings were launched by Prof. A Pushpanathan, the Chief Editor of the editorial Committee. Five technical sessions were held in parallel on five tracks, namely Accounting and finance, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Tourism, Economics, Business communication, Project Management and information Systems, in total, 43 papers were presented at the conference, and awards were provided to the best presenters in each track. The keynote speeches were delivered by:
Students’ Research Awards
Panel Moderator: Prof. H.M.A Herath Panel Speakers:
Silver Jubilee Events
The Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya celebrated, the 25 years of excellence from 1997 to 2022 on 4th of July, 2022. Prof S.P.P Amaratunge, Chairman, University Grants Commission served as the Chief Guest, Dr. T. Mangaleshwaran, the Vice Chancellor, University of Vavuniya served as the Special Guest and Ms. R. Vijayalan, Senior Assistant Director, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Faculty Alumnus) and Ms. K. Asokumar, Managing Director, Kobithan Garments (PVT) Ltd, (Faculty Alumnus) were invited as the Guests of Honors. The event was chaired by Dr. Y.Nanthagopan, the Dean, Faculty of Business Studies and convened by Mr. C. Larojan, Senior Lecturer of The Faculty of Business Studies . The Silver Jubilee Commemorative Book (Souvenir) was launched by Ms. P. Sarmatha, the Chief Editor. The first copy was handed over to Prof. T. Mangaleshwaran, the Vice-Chancellor. The special copies were issued to the Deans of the Faculties. The book consists of the faculty’s history, great achievements, success and significant milestones in the twenty-five years of establishment of the faculty since 1997. PRANA financial Aid was launched by Mr. V. Kumaratheepan, Secretary of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Studies (AAFBS). PRANA financial aid is aimed to support students to achieve their educational goals. It helps students by covering education expenses such as food, accommodation, books and supplies, and transportation. Registered undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business Studies are eligible to apply for this financial aid. A student’s need-based eligibility is calculated to award financial aid. The AAFBS will select students based on their needs. Awarded students will receive financial aid every month for a period of one year. Launching Student Magazines Magazines of the Project Management Club, Marketing Club, Economics Club, Human Resources Club and Accounting and Finance Club were launched. It was a great achievement on the part of the faculty because the students of the faculty launched the student club magazines. The name of the magazines are;
The Best Performance Awards for The Student Clubs
Career Guidance Webinar A Career Guidance Webinar was organized by the Faculty on Wednesday, 6th of July, 2022, from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon for the commemoration of the faculty’s 25th anniversary. Nearly 300 participants from the faculty undergraduate students, advanced level commerce stream students and school teachers attended the webinar. Five professional bodies such as the Chartered institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), the institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA), the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL) and Project Management institute (PMI) conducted the webinar on explaining the respective professional courses available within them and the job opportunities available for the respective discipline in national and international job markets. The Best Entrepreneur Award was given to Mrs. K.Saji Rani Vanni Region, at the Silver Jubilee Celebration Alumni of the Faculty at the Silver jubilee Celebration The staff members who were honored in the Silver Jubilee Celebration
Former Deans
25 years of service
Retired Staff
Grand Opening of Herbal Nature Park The Project Management Club created a herbal nature park in the faculty premises and it was officially opened at the faculty Silver Jubilee Celebration by the Vice – Chancellor on 04th of July, 2022. ![]() ![]() |
MOU signing with Eighteen community and industry organizations The MOU signing event with 18 community and industry organizations was held in hybrid mode on the 27th of June 2022, during the week of the Commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the Faculty of Business Studies. Dr T.Mangaleswaran, Dr Y.Nanthagopan, Heads of Departments, Coordinators of the Training and Placements cells of the faculty, academic staff, Directors and senior officials of the community and industry organizations, senior officials from the government and international organizations participated in this event. This MOU promotes the pursuance of common interests, in promoting and developing the principles, techniques and practices of Business and Project Management to optimize the utilization of Human Resources at the National and International Level shared by the faculty and community and industry organizations agree to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding to develop mechanisms for collaboration. This community and industry collaboration is expected to lead to the implementation of internship training and placements for Undergraduates and Graduates. Further, this collaboration promotes jointly organize field/exposure visits, capstone projects, educational programs, seminars, workshops, conferences, research activities, publications and joint community projects of mutual interest. Signing MOUs with Eighteen organizations is a remarkable and golden opportunity gained by the Faculty of Business Studies in its Silver Jubilee. A stakeholder discussion was taken place followed by the MOUs signing event. ![]() |
MOU signing with Responsible Project Management, UK The MOU signing event with Responsible Project Management (UK) was held in hybrid mode on the 27th of June 2022, during the week of the Commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the Faculty of Business Studies. Directors from the Responsible Project Management, UK participated in the MOU signing event. |
Inauguration and Orientation Program Academic Year 2020/2021 The Virtual Inauguration Ceremony for the academic year 2020/2021 was held on the 20th of June, 2022 and the orientation program was conducted from the 21st of June to 1st of July, 2022 to freshers to be familiar with the University’s educational system, academic culture and facilities available with the University. The Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, Dr.Y.Nanthagopan addressed the students and warmly welcomed them to be part of this historic institution. Followed by the keynote address delivered by Dr. T. Mangaleswaran, the Vice-Chancellor University of Vavuniya. Next, the department heads, university executive staff and faculty staff also welcomed the newcomers and addressed their words of blessing to them. During the orientation program days, the students were engaged in various sessions which were done by the internal staff of the University and the outside resource persons. Beyond all the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis facing the country, the students enthusiastically participated and gained knowledge from the virtual programs organized by the faculty and shared their thoughts and ideas. The students were delighted to receive guidance on how to live their four-year life of higher education at the University of Vavuniya. ![]() |
MOU signing with SULECO (PVT) LTD The MOU signing event with SULECO (Pvt) Ltd. WAS held on the 20th May 2022, at the Board Room of the IT Centre, University of Vavuniya. Dr T.Mangaleswaran, Dr Y.Nanthagopan, Mr.Chamintha, Director and staff representative from SULECO (Pvt) Ltd., Registrar, Bursar, Heads of Departments, Academic staff members, Assistant Registrar, Directors and senior officials of the University participated in the MOU signing event. The Vice Chancellor started the event with the welcome address. Next, Dr Y.Nanathagopan, Dean/FBS, and followed by Dr T.Managaleswaran, made a special address about the importance of collaborations. Then, Mr.Chaminda B. Senaviradme, Director, (Spatial Solutions) SULECO (Pvt) Ltd. Made a speech about their products and services and thanked the University for the effort for mutually working Thereafter, MOU was signed by the SULECO (Pvt) Ltd. with the Faculty of Business Studies with briefing the MOU document. This collaboration is expected to the provision of access to CORS network server and training of lecturers and students to use the application for training purposes of undergraduates to make the full use of the GPS of mutual interest as it is the only company in Sri Lanka having a CORS Network which covering substantial area of Sri Lanka which can broadcast real time GNSS connections. Further, The University granted a space to establish a CORS Pillar at the top of the Project Management building of the Faculty of Business Studies and the SULECO established the CORS Network and provided (GPS) login access to the server free of charge and agreed to provide training for the university staff and undergraduates of the faculty to enhance the knowledge and skill development using the CORS Network. ![]() |
MOU signing with IBSL MOU has been signed between the Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL) on the 29th of March 2022. Mr. C. P. A. Karunatilalce, Director general of IBSL, Mr. C B. Pathberiya, Director Information Technology Operations, Mr. M. Bathiya Wickramasinghe, Deputy Director Administration and HR represented the IBSL in this MOU signing event. ![]() |
MOU signing with CMA MOU has been signed between the Department of Finance and Accountancy, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA) on the 22nd of March 2022. Mr. Prof. Lakshman R Watawala, President of CMA Sri Lanka, Mr. Kosala Dissanayake, Consultant, Ms. Sumudu Pagoda, Senior Director —Administration & Operations, and Ms. Jinanthi Chandrarathna, Director- Education, Training & Research and representatives of CMA signed the MOU on behalf of CMA Sri Lanka. ![]() |
MOU signing with SLIM MOU has been signed between the Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SUM) on the 22nd of March 2022. Mr.Sanath Senanayake, CEO/Executive Director, Dr. Kapila Fonseka, Head of education and Ms. Hasani, Assistant Manager/Education represented the SLIM. ![]() |
MOU signing with project management institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka The Project Management Institute Colombo Chapter and the Department of Project Management of the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vavuniya signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU was signed on the 02nd March 2022 at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya. Mr. Dushyantha Dassanayake —President PMICSC, Mr. Shanthilal Fernando — Vice President-Finance, Mr. Aruna Kooragamage — Past President and Advisor and Mr. Ganesh Wijenayake — Past President and Advisor represented on behalf of PMICSC. ![]() |
MOU signing with CIPM and hSenid Business Solution PLC The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) Sri Lanka and the Department of Human Resource Management of the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Vavuniya signed a Memorandum of Understanding, The MOU was signed on the 28th February 2022 at the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya. On the same day, another MOU was signed between the Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vavuniya, and hSenid Business Solution PLC on the commitment to share the goal of enhancing effective teaching and learning for undergraduates of the University. Mr. Jayantha Abeyrathna —Treasurer and Council Member, Saman Jayawikrama — Council Member CIPM and G.Weerathunga- Chief Officer /Director Professional and Academic CIPM signed the MOU on behalf of CIPM and Mr. Sampath Jayasundara — Chief Executive Officer/Director- and Mr.Mahinda Pathirana — Head of Enterprise Delivery & Support, signed the MOU on behalf of hSenid Business Solutions PLC. ![]() |
Release of the 4th newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies The bi-annual newsletter 2021 volume:02 issue:02 was launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 26.01.2022 at 11.00 am. with the presence of Newsletter committee members and Faculty Board members. The copies of newsletter were received by the Dean, Heads, and the members of the Faculty Board from the Chairperson Ms. P. Sarmatha. ![]() |
Balakrishnan Memorial Event In commemoration of late Dr. N. Balakrishnan, a memorial lecture on “Recent Trends in Sri Lankan Economy: Constraints and Challenges” by Prof. Wasantha Athukorala, University of Peradeniya was organized by the Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Business Studies on 29th December 2021. Around 40 participants were present at the programme physically and via zoom including the Vice Chancellor/University of Vavuniya, Dean/ Faculty of Business Studies, Dean/ Faculty of Applied Science and the heads of the departments of the Faculty of Business Studies. The event began with lighting the oil lamp by the respected invitees. The Vice Chancellor garlanded the photo of late Dr. N. Balakrishnan to honor him. Then, the memorial oration was launched by the Vice Chancellor. The day of memorial lecture successfully ended with the vote of thanks. ![]() |
Workshop on Strategic Planning The Faculty of Business Studies conducted its strategic planning workshop on the 28th of December 2021 with a view to revise its strategic goals and strategies and to map out the next five-year strategic plan (2022 — 2026) towards its vision and mission. ![]() The strategic planning workshop, chaired and facilitated by Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, was a significant event in the last week of the year 2021 with the participation of the faculty academics, representatives from alumni and business communities, industry experts, Deputy Registrars, Registrar and Bursar of the University of Vavuniya. Mr. Saman Jayasinghe, Operations Manager of Vavuniya Apparels of Omagaline and Mr. Ansaf Ahamed, Service Assurance Executive of M/S John Keels Holdings shared their employer and students’ perspectives of present and future qualities of employment. All participants worked as thematic groups to accomplish the tasks required by the workshop and presented their findings and justifications. ![]() ![]() |
A seminar on “Contemporary issues in Finance” by the Department of Finance and Accounting The Department of Finance and Accountancy organized seminar on “Contemporary issues in Finance” on 27th December 2021. The main objective of this seminar was to provide knowledge on current issue in finance in Sri Lanka. The fourth-year students who follow Accounting and Finance honors and the staff participated in this seminar. Dr Mrs.K. Kalainathan, Head/ Department of Finance and Accounting coordinated the programme. Mrs.V. Rajani, Central Bank of Sri Lanka served as the resource person in this seminar. ![]() |
Media Briefing of the Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS) – 2022 The media brief for the 4th Research Conference on Business Studies – 2022 (RCBS) was held on 21″ of December,2021 at the Faculty of Business Studies at 11.00 am with the presence of Dr. T. Mangaleswaran, Vice Chancellor of the University of Vavuniya, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, Mr. S. A. Jude Leon, Convener of the conference, Heads of the Departments, Senior academics, committee members of the conference and the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty of Business Studies. Dan and Sakthi Televisions were invited as the media partners to cover the brief of this conference. The Vice-chancellor commenced the event with the brief about the conference, including the theme, important dates, tracks, keynote speakers and exclusive partners of the conference. He continued with the purpose and expectations of conducting this conference and the social impact of this conference outcome. It was followed by the Dean of the Faculty of Business studies and he spoke about the contribution of the conference to the research community and society: He added further that the best papers will be given a chance to be published in the Journal of Business Management (IBM) which is published bi-annually by the Faculty of Business Studies. ![]() |
Saraswathy Pooja Saraswathy Pooja Saraswathy Pooja, the last day of the navarathri festival, was celebrated in the faculty on 15.10.2021. The staff and the students of the faculty participated in this programme. This navarathri festival has been celebrated to worship Goddess Durga (Goddess of courageousness), Luxmi (Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity) and Saraswathy (Goddess of Wisdom) over the past by the staff and students enthusiastically. The last day of the navarathri festival is known as Saraswathy Pooja or ‘Vithyarampam’ (inauguration of education). Goddess Saraswati Devi has the power of the Knowledge who radiates wisdom and the beauty of nature. Therefore, it has been celebrated devotedly in the educational institutions. ![]() ![]() |
Faculty name board opening ceremony
The Name Board of the Faculty of Business Studies was opened ceremonially by Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, on 15th of October 2021. The name board is donated by the students’ union (Batch 2015/2016) through collected funds from the Faculty of Business Studies students and staff. This is the role modelling activity of the students contributing to the faculty development. The heads of departments, staff, and faculty students had participated in this event. |
A webinar on “Career Development”
A webinar on “Career Development” was organized by the Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies on 09th of October, 2021. Mr. R. Migunuwala from the Department of Manpower and Employment participated as the resource person in this webinar, and it was conducted in Sinhala medium. He pointed out essential tips to develop his/her career and explained them with real-world examples. Since he is the Career Guidance Officer, he shared his own experiences encountered. Almost 40 students participated in this session. |
A webinar on “What lead to success and Develop Your Creativity”
The Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a webinar on “What Leads to Success and Develop Your Creativity” on 08th and 09th of October, 2021. Mr. A. Liston Rajanikanth and Mrs. K. Sivappriya from the Department of Manpower and Employment have conducted this webinar in Tamil medium. They gave valuable ideas to our students to pave their way towards success. Both made the session enjoyable by explaining the areas with real-life examples in the Sri Lankan context. Almost 60 students participated in this webinar. |
Institute of Project Management Studies
The faculty had planned to establish the Institute of Project Management Studies (IPMS) to advance project management education and research to produce required human resources at the different levels to perform well in the projects operated in Sri Lanka. This Institute will also contribute to solving the problems emanated in the context of projects. The Institute provides a focal point for education and research in project management, addressing current and emerging project management issues nationally and internationally in Sri Lanka. The Proposal and Ordinance to establish the Institute of Project Management Studies (IPMS) was already approved by the Council at its first meeting held on 25th September 2021. The Institute of Project Management Studies (IPMS) would be established after the declaration by Gazette notification. |
Stakeholder Meeting for revising the curriculum for BBM honors in marketing management
The Department of Marketing Management of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a stakeholder meeting for revising the curriculum for BBM Honors in Marketing Management on 19th of September 2021 via Zoom. Prof. Dr. P.A.P. Samantha Kumar (University of Ruhuna), Dr. Y.M.W.G.RK. Udurawana (Rajarata University of Sri Lanka) and Dr. S. Shanmugathas (University of Jaffna) participated as experts, and Mr. S. A. Jude Leon, Ms. S. Kajanthy and Miss. H.G.C.K. Ranathunga participated as internal members. Experts suggested a few new subjects and also requested to merge some of the existing subjects. After having an interactive discussion, the specialization subjects were finalized for each semester. This meeting was very fruitful to construct a meaningful revised curriculum for BBM Honors in Marketing Management. |
New Initiations of the Faculty
1. Information Technology Services Unit The faculty has established an IT Services Unit to effectively look after the day-to-day activities of the IT laboratories. In addition to that, the unit will provide IT services and training to staff and students. The IT Services Unit will be one of the key services units of the faculty providing facilities to the students, staff, units and cells of the Faculty of Business Studies. Mr. K. Suthesan was appointed as the coordinator of this unit.
2. Preliminary Meeting of the Meeting of the Master of Project Management Curriculum The Department of Project Management (DPM) virtually organized its preliminary meeting with the committee for the Master of Project Management Curriculum held on 09.09.2021 to discuss basic structure of the Master of Project Management Curriculum. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan chaired the meeting and welcomed the participants. Following the self-introduction, the chairperson described the purpose of the discussion and gave brief introduction about the department, faculty and newly elevated university. He discussed about the Master of Project Management (MPM), one year duration with 30 credits and 10 course units in two semesters. Students who successfully complete their first year can be eligible for second year called the Master of Science in Project Management (M.Sc. in Project Management), two-year duration with 30 credits for course work and 30 credits for research. 3. Continuity of the Academic Programme of the Faculty during the pandemic Even though the Covid-19 pandemic persists, the faculty has done an excellent job and brilliantly managed the situation without postponing any academic activities. The faculty conducted the online examinations for the academic year 2018/19 and 2017/18 successfully with the massive support and dedication of the faculty staff. It also carried out the examinations in person for all the students of the faculty without any interruptions. This is a remarkable accomplishment of the faculty. |
Publication of Journal of Business Management Volume 4, Issue 1
The Faculty of Business Studies published Volume 4, Issue 01 of its Journal of Business Management (JBM) in September, 2021. This issue consisted of 09 original full papers in the disciplines of Business Management. All papers published in this journal are accessible in online. JBM is published twice a year. |
Stakeholder Meeting with the institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL)
A meeting was organized by the Department of Business Economics with the officials of IBSL to discuss signing MOU on 20th August 2021 via Zoom. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan/ Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies chaired the meeting with the presence of Mrs. P. Godwin Phillip/ Head, Department of Business Economics, Dr. K. Kalainathan/ Head, Department of Finance and Accountancy, Mr.A.Thayaparan/ Senior Lecturer, DBE, Mr.T. Selvamalai/ Lecturer, DBE and the officials from the IBSL: Mr. C.P.A.Karunatilake/ Director General, IBSL, Mr. Manjula Wicktamasinghe/ Deputy Director, Administration and HR of IBSL and Secretary to Director General of IBSL The Dean welcomed the gathering and briefed the essence of having an a MOU with professional bodies. The highlight of the meeting is that the higher officials of the IBSL agreed to provide gold plated medal for the best student in BBM (Hons) in Business Economics. In addition, they voluntarily agreed to sponsor the student dub activities of the Department of Business Economics. Further, it was decided to sign the MOU with the approval of the governing bodies of both parties in the mid of November 2021 to ensure the effective function from the new year 2022. |
Stakeholder Meeting with Project Management institute – Sri Lankan Chapter on signing the MOU
The Department of Project Management (DPM) convened its 3rd meeting with the Sri Lankan Chapter of Project Management Institute (PMISLC) on the 20th of August 2021 to discuss the draft Memorandum of Understanding prepared and submitted by the DPM to the PMISLC in the week. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Ms. S. Mathivathany and Mr. S. Thirugnanasampanthar represented the DPM, meanwhile, Mr. Dushyantha (President of the PMISLC), Mr. Dhammike Mendis (Executive Vice-President of PMISLC), Mr. Aruna Kooragamage (Founder, Former President, & Certified Trainer) Mr. Shanthilal Fernado (Vice-President Finance), and Mr. Saman Kandanearachchi (Vice President Outreach) took part in the virtual meeting for PMISLC. Dr, Y. Nanthagopan presided the meeting and welcomed the participants. Following the self-introductions, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan described the purpose of such MoU’s between the Faculty of Business Studies and Educational organizations that offer professional courses and the contents and clauses of the proposed draft MOU. In response, the PMISLC members generally informed their willingness and interest in the collaboration through an MoU and addressed what the PMISLC could deliver. Mr. Aruna Kooragamage briefed the inception of PMISLC since 2005 and elaborated that the PMI offer certificate and professional courses such as Certified Associate of Project Management (CIPM) and Project management Professional (PMP) and as a not-for-profit organization, the PMI is promoting PM standards, providing accreditations and funding for researches. Mr. Dhammike Mendis described the processes to sign an MoU and the PMISLC would review the draft MoU presented by the FBS and would send it to the FBS for its comments. He added that the reviewed MoU would be sent to the PMI’s regional office in India for its comments. All of the PMISLC participants are enthusiastic in arriving a consensus for the MOU and working together for the betterment of the students and the country. |
Stakeholder Meeting with the institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA) on signing the MOU
A hybrid meeting was conducted by the Department of Finance and Accountancy in collaboration with the CMA officials with regards to signing the MOU on 20th August 2021. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan / Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies chaired the meeting with the presence of Dr. (Mrs.) K. Kalainathan / Head of the Department of Finance and Accountancy (DFA), Staff of the DFA, and the officials from the Institute of Certified Management Accountants – Ms. Jinandi Chandraratne / Director, Education and Ms. Kaushalya Hapuarachchi / Senior Manager, Education, Training & Research. At the outset, Dean / FBS welcomed the gathering and briefed the essence of having a strategic partnership with professional bodies paving the way to have a win-win situation for both. The Dean read the draft MOU among the participants to get their viewpoints incorporated. It was explicitly talked about providing a gold-plated medal for the students excelling in BBM Honors in Accounting and Finance degree programme, conducting active marketing programs by the CMA officials in and around the university, providing exemptions for the students, using university premises for conducting the CMA’s study programmes, and the use of the library by the CMA students in addition to the matters laid down in the draft agreement. Both the parties, CMA and DFA, came to a consensus on the clauses laid down in the draft MOU and decided to take it forward with the approval of their respective governing bodies. |
Meeting with the institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA)
A hybrid meeting was conducted by the Department of Finance and Accountancy in collaboration with the CMA officials regarding signing the MOU on 20th August 2021. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan / Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies chaired the meeting with the presence of Dr. (Mrs.) K. Kalainathan / Head of the Department of Finance and Accountancy (DFA), Staff of the DFA, and the officials from the Institute of Certified Management Accountants – Ms. Jinandi Chandraratne / Director, Education and Ms. Kaushalya Hapuarachchi / Senior Manager, Education, Training & Research. At the outset, Dean / FBS welcomed the gathering and briefed the essence of having a strategic partnership with professional bodies paving the way to have a win-win situation for both. The Dean read the draft MOU among the participants to incorporate their viewpoints. Both the parties, CMA and DFA, came to a consensus on the clauses laid down in the draft MOU and decided to forward for the approval of their respective governing bodies. |
Stakeholder Meeting of the Curriculum Development Committee for BBM Honors in Tourism and Hospitality Management
The meeting of the Curriculum Development Committee for BBM Honors in Tourism and Hospitality Management was held on 21″ of July, 2021 via Zoom. Mr. S.A.Jude Leon, the chairperson of the Curriculum Development Committee welcomed all the members presented and briefly explained the Honors Degree programme structure and the subjects in the list. Then he invited the Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies Dr. Y.Nanthagopan to deliver his initial talk. The Dean suggested that the curriculum should include hotel management subjects to provide more practical knowledge to our students. Other members also agreed with his idea and decided to include these subjects under hospitality part. The chairperson produced the list of subjects and opened the forum for the discussion to finalize the specialization subjects to the Semesters. After an in-depth discussion made, Or. DMC Dassanayake suggested the committee to prepare a proper graduate profile to link these selected subjects with the programme outcomes and other members also complied with his idea. Finally, the Chairperson agreed and thanked all the members for their active participation in the discussions. |
Release of the 3rd Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies The bi-annual newsletter 2021 volume:02 issue:01 was launched at the Faculty of Business Studies board room on 28.07.2021 by aa.00 am with the presence of News-letter committee members and Faculty Board members. The copies of the newsletter were received by Vice Chancellor, Dean, Heads and the external members of Faculty of Board from Ms. P.Sarmatha, Chairperson, Newsletter committee. The newsletter carries Faculty events, Student’s events, Community Enrichment Activities and Staff News in a nutshell with an eye-catching view. ![]() |
Late Mr. W.J.Soosairatnam Endowment Fund and Gold-Plated Medal An endowment fund (Amount LKR 600,00.00) was established in memory of late Mr. W. J. Soosairatnam to award to the best student in the Bachelor of Business Management (Honours) in Accounting and Finance Degree in cacti General Convocation. The medal shall be called “Mr. W. J. Soosairatnam Gold-Plated Medal”. It shall be awarded to the candidate who, obtains the highest GPA with second class upper division / above in the Bachelor of Business Management (Honors) in Accounting and Finance Degree and earns highest aggregate points in extracurricular activities. ![]() |
Curriculum Revision Workshop of BBM (Hons) in Business Economics Department of Business Economics organized a workshop to revise the existing curriculum of BBM (Hons) in Business Economics, via zoom on 30th June 2021. Ms.P.Godwin Phillip, Head, Department of Business Economics welcomed all the stakeholders, experts and the staff members of the department for this workshop, and Dr.Y.Nanthagopan, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, addressed the event and described the importance of the curriculum revision. For this workshop, Prof. A.S.P.Abhayarathne (Senior Professor, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya), Prof. J. Weerahewa (Senior Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya), Prof.S.Santhirasegaram (Head, Department of Economics, University of Peradeniya), Prof.K.Amirthalingam (Department of Economics, University of Colombo), Dr.T.Vinayagathasan (Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya), Dr.T.Bhavan (Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka), Dr.AMM.Mustafa (Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka), Dr.D.A. Thakshila (Senior Lecturer, Department of Banking and Finance, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka), Mr.B.Sivatheepan (Senior Assistant Director, Bank Supervision Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka), Ms.G.Y.N Gunathilaka (Alumni) and Ms. Sivatharshika Balasuntharam (Alumni) were invited and they all provided valuable comments and suggestions to improve the existing curriculum. ![]() |
Inauguration and Orientation Program for the Academic Year 2019/2020 The Virtual Inauguration Ceremony and Orientation Program were organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna for the 2019/2020 academic year. The inauguration ceremony was held on the 28th of June and continued up to the 2nd of July to accustom the freshers to our educational system, academic rules, and campus facilities. Preceding over the program, the Dean of Faculty of Business Studies, Dr.Y.Nanthagopan, addressed the students and warmly welcomed them to be a part of this historic institution. The Rector of Vavuniya Campus, Dr. T. Mangaleswaran and the staff members of the campus and the faculty also welcomed the newcomers and gave their words of blessings to them. On the following days, the students arranged various sessions on “counseling youths,” “Attitude towards Leadership,” “Ethnic Cohesion and Social Harmony,” “Introducing the Mentoring System of the Faculty of Business Studies,” “Improving the Mindset for Students’ Efficient and Effective Learning,” “Students’ Disciplinary Matters,” “Introducing Physical Education Unit,” ” Role of the Library in University Education,” “Introducing Career Guidance Unit,” ” Introducing Students and Welfare Division,” “Sessions on LMS, ZOOM, and Cyber Security,” “946 Circular and Students’ Life at University” and “Introducing the Departments of the Faculty of Business Studies” by resource persons related to the topics. Apart from all the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the students participated enthusiastically, gained knowledge from the virtual events, and shared their thoughts and ideas. The students were delighted to receive guidance on living their four-year higher education life at the Vavuniya campus. ![]() ![]() |
Stakeholder Meeting for the Curriculum Development of Tourism and Hospitality Management The Stakeholder meeting for the Tourism and Hospitality Curriculum Development was held on 16th June 2021, at 5.30 pm via Zoom. At the outset, the Chairperson, Mr. Jude Leon, welcomed all stakeholders and explained this honors degree program’s importance and course structure. Accordingly, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, shared his valuable thoughts with the stakeholders, and then all the participants introduced themselves. Next, Emeritus Professor Malcolm Cooper / Ritsumcikan Asia Pacific University has explained the tourism and hospitality industry trend in the international context. Then Dr. D.L.A.H Shammika / University of Ruhuna presented a short, tentative curriculum developed at the beginning. After that presentation, the Chairperson asked for the ideas and suggestions of the experts on this developed curriculum. Various suggestions have been received from the experts named Prof. (Dr.) WKAC Gnanapala / Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Prof. MSM Aslam / Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Dr. DMC Dassanayake / Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Dr. JPRC Ranasinghe / Uva Wellassa University, Dr. S. Sivesan / University of Jaffna, Mr. JELL Gunasekera / Anuradhapura Tourism and Hoteliers Association (ATAHA), Dr. A. Pushpanathan / Vavuniya Campus, Ms. S. Kajanthy / Vavuniya Campus, and Mr. T. Selvarnalai / Vavuniya Campus. Finally, the Chairperson thanked all stakeholders for their active participation in the discussions. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. ![]() |
Stakeholder Meeting: Establishing a Centre for Project management and Research The Faculty of Business Studies (FBS) and the Department of Project Management convened the virtual stakeholder meeting on 02.06.2021, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, with the intention of collecting the opinions and recommendations of the stakeholder groups in the proposal for the establishment of the Centre for Project Management and Research (CPMRe) at the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and collaborate with national and international institutions to promote Project Management education in Sri Lanka for all levels of employees. The draft constitution and proposals were prepared and it was expected that the meeting would review the proposals to get more ideas incorporated into the constitution and pave the way to establish the prodigious center in the country. Thirty stakeholders virtually arrived and registered for the meeting around 3 o’clock and Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean and Chairman of the Committee, welcomed all the distinguished international and national participants from the universities, institutions and industries. In his welcome address, the Chair acknowledged his special welcome to academics; Professors Dhayalan Velauthapillai, Manuel Soosaipillai, Ranjith Wijeyawardena, and Kanesh Rajah, and senior Academics Dr. Mangaleswarean (Campus Rector), Dr. Nigel Williams, Dr. Karen Thoampson, Dr. Riswi Nordeen, Dr. Kengatharan, Dr. Shammika Liyanage, and Mr. Per Hegli. He also expressed his warm welcome to senior officials from industries and professional organizations Mr. Dushyantha, Mt Ranjan, Dr. Madhu Fernando, Mr. Kamalathas, Mr. Someswaran, Mr. Senthooran, Dr. Rosahn Rajadurai, Mr. Marikar, Mr. Sutharsan, Mr. Eivind Reke, Mr. Nimal Devagiri, and to the faculty staff members, alumni, and all the stakeholders. Followed by the introduction to the meeting, all participants were facilitated to form and start their group discussions in separate chat rooms as follows: Group 1 discussion about strategic insights and activities, was led by Dr. Nigel L. Williams from Portsmouth University in the UK.; Group 2 discussion about structure and management was led by Dr. J. D.S. Madhu Fernando, the CEO of Innova Strategies; Group 3 discussion about management committee members and their duties, was led by Prof. Ranjith Wijewardana from Rajarata University in Sri Lanka; Group 4 discussion was about priorities, potential collaborations, additional aspects to incorporate in the constitution of the center, and potential funding opportunities, was led by Dr. W.G. Roshan Rajadurai who was the Managing Director, Hayles. The group discussions were finished as planned, thereafter, each group started to present their suggestions and recommendations. At the end of the group presentations, stakeholders were asked to give remarks on the CPMRe. Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by the Chair, Dr.Y. Nanthagopan and he wished to work together as a team in CPMRe. ![]() |
Continuity of the Academic Programmes of the Faculty during the third wave of Covid-19 The Third Wave of the COVED-19 pandemic began in the country in the beginning of May, 2021 and once again challenged the universities’ academic programmes. However, the Faculty has managed excellently without postponing any academic activities. The faculty has continued physical lectures as scheduled until the lockdown imposed all over the country and later, has continued online lectures for all students in the faculty. The faculty has also conducted examinations without interruption. This is another outstanding achievement of the faculty that completed the 2018/2019 academic year as scheduled with staff and students’ enormous commitments and efforts. The faculty has also started the next academic year 2019/2020, 31.05.2021 onwards. Further, the faculty has commenced the virtual mode of online reporting system as well. ![]() ![]() |
Curriculum Revision Stakeholders Workshop Department of Finance and Accountancy The Department of Finance and Accountancy, Faculty of Business Studies, Vavuniya Campus of University of Jaffna arranged a Curriculum Revision Stakeholders workshop on 30th May 2021 from 2.00 to 4.00 pm through zoom platform. The Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) K. Kalainathan, the Head of Department of Finance and Accountancy, welcomed all those who were present at the meeting and described the purpose of the curriculum revision. The staff members of Department of Finance and Accountancy, Mrs. J. S. Thevaruban, Mr. C. Larojan, Mr. J. Aloy Niresh, Mr. GRM. Gamlath, Ms. E. Panuja, and Ms. S. Kasthury and external experts were participated in the workshop. Senior Prof. (Mrs.) DSNP Senarathne, (Senior Professor in Accounting, University of Sri Jayewardenepura), Senior Prof. RPC. Ranjani, (Senior Professor in Finance, University of Kelaniya), Senior Prof. (Mr.) T.Velnampy (Senior Professor in Accounting, University of Jaffna), Prof. (Mr.) B. Nimalathasan, (Professor in Accounting, University of Jaffna), Dr. (Mrs.) R. Yogendrarajah (Professor in Financial Management, University of Jaffna), Dr. (Mrs.) L. Kengatharan (Senior Lecturer Gr. 1 in Financial Management, University of Jaffna) and Mrs. R. Vijayalan, Assistant Director at Central Bank of Sri Lanka were participated as resource persons and provided useful suggestions to revise the existing curriculum. ![]() |
Career Guidance Seminar The Department of Human Resource Management of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (CIPM Sri Lanka) conducted an online seminar for young talents on the 23.05 2021 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. This event was held according to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between CIPM Sri Lanka and the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. The Students of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna and other external participants actively participated. The main objective of this seminar is to enlighten the knowledge of the youths to choose their career path wisely. The Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, has commenced the programme with his welcoming address. Then the professional courses available at CIPM Sri Lanka were discussed by Mr. Anushka Earskin, the Head of Business School CIPM. Mr. Gihan Swaris, the Head of Human Resources & Sustainable Business – Verger Naturals, was the resource person for this event. He has discussed the participants’ career opportunities and given some guidelines to develop the career path for youth. The participants were actively taking part in the discussions and raising their doubts, and the officials were enthusiastically clarifying the doubts of the participants. The whole session was informative and interesting, signaling that more participants of the seminar were willing to pursue the online CIPM Courses, which will be conducted at the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna shortly. ![]() |
Workshop on “Gateway to the Industry” The Career Guidance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies organized a webinar on “Gateway to the Industry”. The resource person for this session is Mr. K. Nishaaharan, who is the Chief Manager and Zone Chief of Union Bank of Colombo PLC. This webinar was held on 28.03 2021 (Sunday) at 4.00 pm via Zoom and Thirty-Six faculty students from third and fourth year participated in this webinar. The resource person shared his massive 23 years of experience in the banking industry and stated valuable points about the changing trend of the industries and then requested the students to raise their questions to clarify their doubts. This program was really fruitful for the participants. |
Establishment of Five New Departments The Departments of Economics and Management had proposed to establish five new departments by abolishing the existing ones to the UGC, letter dated on 12.12.2018, after the approval of the Council at its 430th meeting held on 26.08.2018 As per the gazette notification of 2220/20 dated on 22.03.2021, the following five new departments have been established in the Faculty of Business Studies of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna by abolishing the Department of Economics and Management.
Workshop on “Improving Presentation Skills” A workshop on “Improving Presentation Skills” was conducted by the HR Club, Faculty of Business Studies, on 24.02.2021 at the Balakrishnan Block from 2.00 to 3.30 pm. Ms.M.R.F. Aqeela Ijas, Lecturer (Probationary) in HRM, was the resource person, and Human Resource Management specialization students from the 2nd and 3rd year of the Faculty of Business Studies participated. This workshop’s primary objective is to enhance the ability of the students to do the presentation effectively. The resource person demonstrated how to prepare an effective presentation and which kinds of follow-ups should be carried out to make a presentation more appealing. The students were provided with knowledge on do’s and don’ts while preparing a presentation. Finally, the students acknowledged that the workshop met and fulfilled their needs. ![]() |
Official Formation of Student Clubs Official formation and the election of office bearers for the students’ clubs, another milestone event of the Faculty of Business Studies, was held on 19.02.2021 (Friday) at 3.15 pm in the faculty lecture hall physically and virtually. The event started with the Dean’s address, Faculty of Business Studies, Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, followed by the Heads, Finance and Accountancy, Economics and Management, and English Language Teaching departments. Student Club coordinators headed the office-bearers’ election for Accounting and Finance, Human Resource Management, Business Economics, Marketing Management, and Project Management student clubs. These student clubs aim to enhance student extracurricular activities and create an ecological and beautiful environment for the Faculty of Business Studies. Further, it will encourage the students to create co-op, job bank and energy-saving projects. Students would be provided with awards every year, based on the independent evaluation panel’s performance review, to appreciate and encourage the clubs’ performances and activities. ![]() |
Short Course The Industry Community Interaction Cell of Vavuniya Campus (ICICVC) commenced the Virtual Short Course in Human Resource Management via Zoom on 13.02.2021. The duration of the Course is 10 weeks (40 Hours). The classes were conducted during the weekends. The target group of the short course was GCE Advanced Level school leavers and employees who are engaged in the field of Human Resource Management. Fifteen students have been enrolled to this short course. The Objectives of this course are to provide the fundamental knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management and to produce capable personnel in Human Resource Management to the present job market. Students were evaluated on the basis of project report submission. The ceremony for the awarding of certificates will be held soon. ![]() |
Workshop on Strategic Planning Review The workshop on Strategic Planning Review of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on 17th December, 2020 at the faculty board room. Dr.Y.Nanthagopan, the Chairperson of Strategic Planning and Monitoring and Mr.S.Thirugnanasampanthar, the Coordinator, were the resource persons in this workshop. The chair introduced the objectives of the workshop and the progress review of the Strategic actions during the year of 2020. The aim of the workshop is to manifest the following outcomes: Reviewing and Refining the Strategic plan, Revise the Objectives and Strategies, identify new strategies and Ensure the Strategic Alignment and Strategic fit. The chair also obtained stakeholders’ perceptions, new ideas and strategic activities to be incorporated to the goals of the strategic planning through thematic group discussions of the participants. There were 25 stakeholders including the staff from the faculty participated in this workshop. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tree Plantation Day The Faculty Plantation and Beautification Committee has conducted plantation activities from December 5th – 9th 2020. The faculty has formally organized the ‘Faculty Plantation Day’ on 9th December, 2020. The Faculty Plantation was ceremonially started on the auspicious occasion at 09:00 am in the faculty premises. In total, 100 students and 40 staff members have participated in the plantation activities. The event began with an opening speech by Ms. S. Mathivathany, Senior Treasurer of the faculty students’ union. Followed by Dr. Y.Nanthagopan, Dean of the Faculty delivered the speech and thanked the staff and students’ efforts to carry out the planting activities of the Faculty successfully. Also, he appreciated Mr. T.Raguram, Curator, for his support rendered to the Faculty. There are 201 valuable trees planted around the faculty premises. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS) – 2020 The 3rd Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS) — 2020 was held on 26th October 2020 in both physical and virtual modes at the Faculty of Business Studies. The theme of the conference was “Business Transformation: Merging the West and the East”. The conference addressed the current issues that include various areas such as Management, Business, Accounting, Economics, Project Management, Business Communication, and Information Technology. Around 150 participants including renowned scholars, delegates and researchers, were in attendance both physically and virtually. There were sixty-three papers presented at the conference. At the opening session, Dr. A. Rukshan, RCBS-2020 Convener delivered the welcome address. Dr. Y.Nanthagopan, Dean and the Chair of the conference, delivered the introductory address and Prof. S. Srisatkunarajah, the Vice Chancellor of Jaffna University delivered a special address. Followed by, Dr. T. Mangaleswaran delivered the address of Guest of Honor. Prof. S. A. Ariadurai, the Vice Chancellor of Open University of Sri Lanka and Chairman/ CVCD delivered the Chief Guest address. The conference proceedings were launched by Prof. S. Srisatkunarajah together with Mr. C. Larojan, Editor-in-Chief / RCBS -2020. The keynote speakers were Prof. S.W.S.B. Dasanayaka, Dean of the Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and Prof. Tanya McGill, Discipline of Information Technology, Mathematics and Statistics at Murdoch University in Australia. Prof. S.W.S.B. Dasanayaka spoke title on ‘Business Transformation: The Trends in Sri Lankan Corporate Sector, a Case Study’. Prof. Tanya McGill spoke title on ‘Business Transformation: Merging the West and the East’. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Freshers’ Day The Freshers’ Day was celebrated by the Faculty of Business Studies students on 29th September 2020 from 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm at the faculty premises. A party was organized to welcome the freshers in a limited manner. The second-year students welcomed all freshers, and the senior students delivered a welcome address. Both the first year and second-year students performed signing and mimicry. The staff of the faculty also attended in this event. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Introducing Mentoring System for students The Mentoring system was established in the Faculty of Business Studies. Initially, Academic mentors were appointed by the faculty board, and all new intake first year students were assigned to them. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan, Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, conducted the first students’ mentoring awareness meeting during the orientation session on 9’h September 2020. All students and their parents were allowed to interact with the mentors on the same day. It was a very successful meeting. The students and parents were pleased with this interaction and thanked the faculty. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Inauguration and Orientation Programme for the freshers The inauguration ceremony and the orientation for the freshers for the Academic Year 2018/2019 were held successfully from 09th to 11th of September 2020. In the inauguration, the students were cordially welcomed by the Rector, Dean, and all the Staff of the Faculty of Business Studies. The key event of the programme was to establish a network hub between the parents and the academics. At the end of the inauguration ceremony, the parents’ meeting was organized to develop good rapport between academic staff and parents. The parents were interested and happy to meet the academic staff. The following two days, the students were given proper guidance with regards to health care, leadership, ethnic cohesion, and social harmony. Finally, the students were so glad for attending the event and getting to know how they are going to lead their lives at the Vavuniya Campus, doing their academic and other extra-curricular activities. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Commemoration of Late Dr. N.Balakrishnan Memorial Day of late Dr. N. Balakrishnan (1st Rector of the Vavuniya Campus) was held on 2nd September 2020 at 2.00 pm at the Faculty of Business Studies, Vavuniya Campus. Senior Professor Ranjith Wijewardana / Former Vice Chancellor, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka has delivered a memorial lecture on “Income Distribution and the Economic Growth in Sri Lanka”. The Memorial Day oratory competition on the title of “The Consequences and Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Sri Lankan Economy” for A/L Economics Students in Vavuniya district has been conducted followed by memorial lecture. Dr.Y.Nanthagopan, Dean /Faculty of Business Studies presided the memorial day. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, Prof.S.Srisatkunaraja addressed the memorial event via ZOOM. Mr.B.lnthiran, Son of late Dr.N.Balakrishnan, Dr.T.Mangaleswaran, Rector of the Campus, Emeritus Professor P. Balasundarampillai and Professor S. Mohanadas, Former Vice Chancellors of the University of Jaffna, Mr.V.Kandepan, Registrar of the University, Council Member of the University Mr.P.Thiruvathavooran, Deans of the Faculties, Heads of Departments, academic and non-academic staff of the Campus, special invitees from the university of Jaffna, and the students of the faculty took part at this remarkable memorial episode. Further, the students from Kanagarayankulam Maha Vidyalayam, Rambaikulam GMV, Saivapragasa Ladies College and Vavuniya Tamil Madhya Maha Vidyalayam participated at the Memorial Day Oratory Competition for A/L Economics Students and Prof.S.Santhirasegaram judged the competition. Finally, the certificates and awards were given to the participants and winners. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The release of the Journal of Business Management (JBM) The Journal of Business Management (JBM) Volume 03 Issue 01 has been published in July, 2020 by the Faculty of Business Studies, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna in online. The JBM is a bi-annual journal and it consists of original full papers of high quality in all the disciplines of Business Management. Each full paper is reviewed through a double-blind process. All papers published in this journal are accessible in online. ![]() |
The launch of the updated version of the faculty website The updated version of the Faculty Website has been launched on 25th June 2020 with the presence of Dr.T.Mangaleswaran / Rector of the Vavuniya Campus, Dr.Y.Nanthagopan / Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, Deans of the other Faculties, Heads of the Departments, Senior Assistant Librarian, Deputy Registrar / Establishments, Deputy Registrar / Examinations and Students’ Admission, External Faculty Board Members, Works Engineer, and all the Academic, Administrative and Non-Academic staff of the Faculty. The previous version of the Faculty Website has been re-modeled by enriching the available content and adding functions. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan / Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies praised the efforts made by the Members of the Web Committee and, more specifically, Mr.J.Aloy Niresh, the Chair of the Web Committee, Mr.K.Suthesan, and Mr.G.Vijayakanthan. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The launch of the first Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies The First Newsletter of the Faculty of Business Studies was released on 25th of June 2020 in the Balakrishnan Block of the Faculty. It conveys information regarding staff and student events and notable activities and achievements of the faculty. Dr.T.Mangaleswaran / Rector of the Vavuniya Campus and Dr.Y.Nanthagopan / Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies have made a special speech at this event. The first copy of the newsletter was issued by Mr.T.Pratheepan, the Chair of the Faculty Newsletter Committee, to Dr.T.Mangaleswaran, Rector of the Vavuniya Campus. The Deans of the Faculties, Heads of the Departments, Senior Assistant Librarian, Deputy Registrar / Establishments, Deputy Registrar / Examinations and Students’ Admission, External Faculty Board Members, Works Engineer, and all the Academic, Administrative and Non-Academic staff of the faculty have made this remarkable event a success with their immense participation. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
RCBS 2020 The RCBS 2020 poster was launched on 13th of May 2020 on the Campus website. ![]() |
MOU Signing ceremony with CIPM The Charted Institute of Personnel of Management (CIPM) Sri Lanka and the Department of Economics & Management of the Faculty of Business Studies entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for facilitating academic co-operation, knowledge exchange and capacity building to develop competent human resource professionals to serve the economy of Sri Lanka. The MOU was signed on 6th of March,2020 at the faculty. Prof. K. Kandasamy, Competent authority, University of Jaffna was the chief guest and Mr. Dhammika Fernando, President, CIPM and Dr. Neil Bogahalande, Council member, CIPM were the special guests. ![]() |
Seminar on Tourism Value Chain A Workshop on Tourism Value Chain-EFECS Project was held on 12th of February 2020, for the undergraduate students. The workshop was conducted by Sanasa International. Mr. Martin Mailhot, Value Chain Advisor and Ms. Harshi Abeynayake, Value Chain Officer Tourism served as the resource persons. This event promulgated several premonitions regarding Tourism among the participants. ![]() |
Reviewers Dr. P. Selvarajan had visited to the Programme Review of Faculty of Agriculture at RUSL as a reviewer from 16th to 19th December, 2019. ![]() Dr. A. Pushpanathan had visited as a member of the reviewers’ panel for reviewing the study programme of Bachelor of Commerce Degree Progamme, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya from 17th to 20th December, 2019. ![]() Dr. A. Pushpanathan visited as a member of reviewers’ panel for reviewing the study programme of Bachelor of Agricultural Science Degree Programme at SUSL from 03rd to 06th of February 2020. ![]() |
Journal of Business Management, Vol 2 -Issue 2 The second volume of the JBM Issue 2 was published on 30th December 2019.This affords a crucial platform for the academic researchers and practitioners in the discipline of Management Studies to manifest their innovative thoughts and findings. |
Strategic planning workshop of the Faculty of Business Studies The strategic planning workshop of the Faculty of Business Studies was held on 30th of December, 2019 in the Balakrishnan Block of the faculty. Dr. Y. Nanthagopan Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, has facilitated the workshop. The faculty vision, mission and values were reviewed and a five-year plan was developed from 2020 to 2024. The forty-two stakeholders; senior officials from private, public and NGO organizations, industrialists, alumni, representatives of existing students, and academic and nonacademic staff from the faculty took part in this workshop. ![]() |
Stakeholders workshop on curriculum development on BBM Honors in Entrepreneurship Stakeholders workshop for the BBM (Honors) in Entrepreneurship degree programme was held on 09th of December, 2019 in the Balakrishnan Block of the faculty. Dr. A. Pushpanathan, Chairman, CDC, has facilitated the workshop. The objective is to develop the curriculum incorporating the ideas and views of experts in the field. ![]() |