Prof. Y. Nanthagopan | Chairman (Dean/FBS) |
Mr. C. Larojan | Head/ Dept. of Business Economics |
Dr. G. Jeyaseelan | Head / Dept. of English Language Teaching |
Dr.(Mrs.) K. Kalainathan | Head/ Dept. of Finance & Accountancy |
Mr. S. Harikaran | Head/ Dept. of Human Resource Management |
Mr. S. A. Jude Leon | Head / Dept. of Marketing Management |
Ms. S. Mathivathany | Head/ Dept. of Project Management |
Prof. S. Gunapalan | Actg. Head / Dept. of Management & Entrepreneurship |
Prof. P. Selvarajan | Professor, Dept. of Mgt &Entrepreneurship |
Prof . A. Pushpanathan | Professor in Management, Dept. of Management & Entrepreneurship |
Mrs. J.S. Thevaruban | Senior Lecturer Gr. I, Dept. of Finance & Accountancy |
Mr. A. Thayaparan | Senior Lecturer Gr I, Dept. of Business Economics |
Mrs. P.M. Godwin Philip | Senior Lecturer Gr I, Dept. of Business Economics |
Mrs. J. Subajana | Senior Lecturer Gr. I, Dept. English Language Teaching |
Mr. T. Pratheepan | Senior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. of Finance & Accounting |
Dr .A. Rukshan | Senior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. of Mgt &Entrepreneurship |
Mr. S. Thirugnansampanthar | Senior Lecturer Gr II, Dept. of Project Management |
Mr. G. R. M. Gamlath | Senior Lecturer Gr II, Dept. of Finance & Accountancy |
Mrs. V. Kajanthy | Senior Lecturer Grade II, Dept. of Marketing Management |
Mrs. P. Sarmatha | Senior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. English Language Teaching |
Mrs .A. Prasheena | Lecturer, Dept. of Human Resource Mgt |
Mr. S. Sivanenthira | Lecturer / (Unconfirmed) / Dept. of Marketing Mgt |
Ms. MRF. Aqeela Ijas | Rep. of Lecturer (Prob.) Dept. of Human Resource Mgt |
Mrs. J. Manthahini | Rep. of Lecturer (Prob.) Dept. of Finance & Accountancy |
Ms. S. Anithra | Rep. of Instructors, Instructor in English, DELT |
Mr. A. Sebarajah | Rep. of Instructors, Instructor in English, DELT |
Mr. N. Kamalathas | External Member |
Mr. T. Senthooran | External Member |
Ms. Prabagini Robinson | External Member |
Mr.KK.P Sankalpa ( 2020/BS/197) | Students Representative |
Ms.N.F.Naseefa (2020/PM/27) | Students Representative |
Mrs. P. Danoshana | Secretary (Assistant Registrar / FBS) |