Prof. Y. NanthagopanChairman (Dean/FBS)
Mr. C. LarojanHead/ Dept. of Business Economics
Dr. G. JeyaseelanHead / Dept. of English Language Teaching
Dr.(Mrs.) K. Kalainathan Head/ Dept. of Finance & Accountancy
Mr. S. HarikaranHead/ Dept. of Human Resource Management
Mr. S. A. Jude LeonHead / Dept. of Marketing Management
Ms. S. Mathivathany Head/ Dept. of Project Management
Prof. S. GunapalanActg. Head / Dept. of Management & Entrepreneurship
Prof. P. SelvarajanProfessor, Dept. of Mgt &Entrepreneurship
Prof . A. PushpanathanProfessor in Management, Dept. of Management & Entrepreneurship
Mrs. J.S. Thevaruban Senior Lecturer Gr. I, Dept. of Finance & Accountancy
Mr. A. ThayaparanSenior Lecturer Gr I, Dept. of Business Economics
Mrs. P.M. Godwin Philip Senior Lecturer Gr I, Dept. of Business Economics
Mrs. J. SubajanaSenior Lecturer Gr. I, Dept. English Language Teaching
Mr. T. PratheepanSenior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. of Finance & Accounting
Dr .A. RukshanSenior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. of Mgt &Entrepreneurship
Mr. S. ThirugnansampantharSenior Lecturer Gr II, Dept. of Project Management
Mr. G. R. M. GamlathSenior Lecturer Gr II, Dept. of Finance & Accountancy
Mrs. V. KajanthySenior Lecturer Grade II, Dept. of Marketing Management
Mrs. P. SarmathaSenior Lecturer Gr. II, Dept. English Language Teaching
Mrs .A. Prasheena Lecturer, Dept. of Human Resource Mgt
Mr. S. SivanenthiraLecturer / (Unconfirmed) / Dept. of Marketing Mgt
Ms. MRF. Aqeela IjasRep. of Lecturer (Prob.) Dept. of Human Resource Mgt
Mrs. J. Manthahini Rep. of Lecturer (Prob.) Dept. of Finance & Accountancy
Ms. S. AnithraRep. of Instructors, Instructor in English, DELT
Mr. A. SebarajahRep. of Instructors, Instructor in English, DELT
Mr. N. KamalathasExternal Member
Mr. T. SenthooranExternal Member
Ms. Prabagini RobinsonExternal Member
Mr.KK.P Sankalpa ( 2020/BS/197) Students Representative
Ms.N.F.Naseefa (2020/PM/27) Students Representative
Mrs. P. DanoshanaSecretary (Assistant Registrar / FBS)