•Signed MOU with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka •Signed MOU with Ontomatrix Pvt Ltd, Safe Foundation and PICTA Organisations •.An agreement was extended with MAG to conduct English training and other soft skill development programs. • A Certificate Course in Professional English was commenced • The 27th Faculty Anniversary was celebrated • The 5th RCBS Conference was conducted •1st undergraduate research symposium on project management (URSPM) was conducted. •1st undergraduate conference on Accounting and Finance (URSAF) was conducted •2nd International Project Management Day was conducted • 1st Accounting and Finance Day were hosted •The Business Fellowship program was conducted with the collaboration of the Asia Foundation. •Centre for Business Research was established •Entrepreneurship Student Club was established •Vavuniya Journal of Business
Two new honours degree programs in Banking and Insurance and Entrepreneurship were introduced Signed MOU Agreement with ACCA on 13th January 2023 Signed MOU Agreement with People’s Bank in April 2023 ➤ The Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) was commenced with the collaborations of UNDP on 31st January 2023. ➤ An Agreement was signed with MAG on 22nd of March 2023 and on 22th August 2023 for conducting English training and other
Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) hub was established on 20th December 2022. The faculty celebrated the Silver Jubilee on 4th, 5th and 6th of July 2022. The faculty conducted the 4th Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS-2022) as a Silver Jubilee Conference. Five Training and Placement Cells were established in five departments Information Technology Services Unit was established MOUs signed with Responsible Project Management, UK, Project Management Institute, Colombo Sri Lanka, Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka, Institute of Bankers, Sri Lanka, hSenid Business Solutions PLC, and Suleco (pvt) Ltd. Introduced PRANA Financial Aid by the Faculty Alumni Introduced Faculty Level Annual Awards 19 MOUs signed with community and industry organisations Job bank was established. Nature and Herbal Park was officially opened. Launched the five student club magazines; HR Wisdom, The Project Manager, Marketing Sparks, ECONOBLOGGER and FINROOT
The Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna has been elevated to as “University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka” by the extraordinary gazette issued on 08th June 2021. Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Studies (AAFBS) was officially formed on 14th February 2021. Five new student clubs were established to enrich students’ participation in extra-curricular activities. Five new departments were formed as Department of Project Management, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Marketing Management, Department of Business Economics, and Department of Management
MOU was signed with Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM). Faculty bi-annual newsletter was published. 3rd Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS-2020) was conducted. Mentoring system was introduced for the students.
Bachelor of Business Management (Honours) in Project Management was commenced. The Faculty has obtained “A” grade in the Program Review.
Department of English Language Teaching was established under the Faculty. 2nd Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS-2018) was conducted. Journal of Business Management (JBM) was launched and Volume 01 was published.
BBM curriculum was revised for the third time in accordance with Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF).
1st Research Conference on Business Studies (RCBS-2016) was conducted.
A new three-year degree programme of BBM in Project Management was commenced from the academic year 2015/16. 1st Students’ Forum was organized on the theme of “Understanding Domestic Business Context”.
MOU was signed with the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM). A new specialization of BBM Honours in Human Resource Management was introduced from the academic year 2013/2014.
The curriculum was revised for the second time based on the suggestions made by the Subject Review teams of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAAC) and the credit values were amended in accordance with the Common Credit Framework released by the UGC. A new specialization of BBM Honours in Business Economics was introduced.
Industry Community Interaction Cell of the Vavuniya Campus (ICICVC) was established. Short courses and community outreach programs have been conducted under this cell.
The BBM curriculum was revised for the academic year 2003/2004 and students were given opportunity to follow specializations as Accounting and Finance and Marketing Management.
The faculty has started to offer BBM Degree (Four-year degree) with the two specializations: Accountancy and Finance and Management.
Direct intake to the faculty was taken place for the academic year 1997/1998 and three-year Bachelor of Accountancy and Finance, and Management degrees were offered.
Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna was established by elevating NPAUC.